Zooz ZEN32 Control and Track all in one

New HA user, have set this up and everything works great except button 4’s LED indicator. It seems to be tied to button 1’s status. It will control its own device but the LED will blink white and then go back to white. The colour will change when button 1 is pressed, all though it will respect its own colour choice but it does blink green on the change, only one that does this. This is only like this for button 4. I have 3 ZEN32s and if i move the config around it does the same thing on the other two. Am I missing something or is this a bug?

You can explicitly set the LED state track entity by overriding it in the Entity selector. This will ignore whatever you have in the scene and ONLY track that entity for that button. If that doesn’t fix it, you can paste your automation YAML and I’ll take a look.
You can get rid of the green flashing by setting Z-wave parameter 23 to disabled.

This is a really impressive blueprint. I had issues with covers and front door locks but eventually it started working. I have no idea why I had issues at first. I have it set so that if the garage is closed a button is green and is red if it is open. I have the same thing with the front door lock. I use a third button for a heater upstairs I don’t want to ever forget to leave on. I am still thinking of use cases for the other buttons. The zen32 is officially my favorite switch now. It is the only switch that can make managing hue lights less painful.

Hey Roy,

Thanks for getting back to me. Will try out the entity override for the LED. But I think it must be a bug. I have now setup 2 of the scene controllers with completely different devices and the issue is the same.

Here are the YAML from two of them.

alias: Scene Controller - 3 - Hallway (Main)
description: ""
  path: rwalker777/ZEN32-control-track.yaml
    zooz_switch: 750110f0a51e978724935b10f21125dc
      - service: light.toggle
        metadata: {}
          brightness_pct: 50
          entity_id: light.dimmer_track_3_hallway_main
      - service: light.toggle
        metadata: {}
        data: {}
          entity_id: light.3fl_deck_back
    on_color1: "6"
    on_color0: "6"
      - service: switch.toggle
        metadata: {}
        data: {}
          entity_id: switch.switch_sconces_deck_side
    on_color3: "6"
      - service: switch.toggle
        metadata: {}
        data: {}
          entity_id: switch.plug_wall_soffit_right_string_lights
    on_color2: "6"
      - service: switch.toggle
        metadata: {}
        data: {}
          entity_id: switch.switch_pots_stairs
    on_color4: "6"


alias: Scene Controller - Cam's Office
description: ""
  path: rwalker777/ZEN32-control-track.yaml
    zooz_switch: abb259c348bae6ee46df9f3a95f96c03
      - service: switch.toggle
        metadata: {}
        data: {}
          entity_id: switch.switch_pots_3_cams_office_closet
      - service: switch.toggle
        metadata: {}
        data: {}
          entity_id: switch.switch_desk_3_cams_office_closet
      - service: switch.toggle
        metadata: {}
        data: {}
            - switch.switch_bar_3_cams_office_closet
      - service: switch.toggle
        metadata: {}
        data: {}
          entity_id: switch.plug_wall_bar
      - service: switch.toggle
        metadata: {}
        data: {}
            - switch.power_bar_1_speakers
            - switch.plug_module_computer_monitors_switch_3_cams_office
      - service: switch.toggle
        metadata: {}
        data: {}
          entity_id: switch.plug_wall_lego_3_cams_office_closet
    on_color0: "4"
    on_color2: "4"
    on_color1: "4"
    on_color3: "4"
    on_color4: "4"

@CamCorp Can you screenshot your Z-Wave config page with the first 5 parameters for the one that is not working? Also, what firmware are your ZEN32 on? The automation looks good, just in the top YAML scene_3 you have 2 entities defined, so it will track the first one.

@CamCorp Found the error, update your blueprint and it should be fixed.

@rwalker Just tested, working perfectly. Thanks for the quick update.

Thanks again - @rwalker - My issue reported previously seems to be related to the over Zen32 - maybe they aren’t identical? Basically - none of the scenes are triggered from that device. Version 2024.4.2 works fine with it.

@AxeBro So you have an older Zen32 (non 800LR) that is not working? As long as firmware is updated it should work… Can you provide some logs or trace showing when it’s not working?

Hello. I am having the same issue at @AxeBro. I have two ZEN32 (700 Series) -FW: v10.40.2 and after updating the Blueprint (2024.6.1) they no longer respond to button responses or LED states. I am not finding any errors generated either just no response from button presses.

@rwalker - I can get logs, if you let me know which ones you need. At least from my checking there’s no error - it just doesn’t trigger. So the automation doesn’t even know something happened.

Thank you for this BP - it’s really been a game changer for my 800 series devices.

If you push a button, do you get a trace on the automation? If not, can you open developer tools > Events > paste “zwave_js_value_notification” into Listen to Events, then click Start Listening. Go press a few buttons on your 700 series Zen32 and paste the output.

Thanks - no, there’s no trace. This is the firing:

event_type: zwave_js_value_notification
  domain: zwave_js
  node_id: 63
  home_id: 3799605479
  endpoint: 0
  device_id: fbd693b609807279b8251e5865730700
  command_class: 91
  command_class_name: Central Scene
  label: Scene 004
  property: scene
  property_name: scene
  property_key: "004"
  property_key_name: "004"
  value: KeyPressed
  value_raw: 0
origin: LOCAL
time_fired: "2024-06-07T17:04:55.295611+00:00"
  parent_id: null
  user_id: null

That looks good, same as a Zen32 800. Can you disable the 700 automation and then deploy a new one to see if it works fresh? Don’t need to setup everything, just 1 button.

I have the same issue. This is my only zwave device. Zen32 works with other blue prints that don’t have all these options in one BP. I’ve even compared your yaml against one that works and don’t see any noticeable difference.
Event looks the same as AxeBro.

Some updates:
Tried a power off server restart.
I’ve removed the other Zen32 blueprints thinking there might be some overlap in some way.
I added action device to all the buttons.
Running latest HA 2024.6.1
ZEN32 800LR firmware showing up to date (2.30.2)

Found this in the log:
Logger: homeassistant.components.automation.new_zen32_scene_and_state_z_wave_js
Source: components/automation/init.py:844
integration: Automation (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 2:31:20 PM (3 occurrences)
Last logged: 2:41:46 PM

Error rendering trigger variables: UndefinedError: ‘dict object’ has no attribute ‘target’

Testing a pretty huge rewrite of this with nighttime LED disable, brightness control, refresh on Home Assistant restart and lots of optimization.

This will require you to reset your colors/state/brightness, scenes will be the same. Do you mind testing this?

Fixed a bug where night time would disable the LED on the relay button, so there is now an option to control the big button relay tracking.

Tried this, seems like it will not turn the relay light off for me. For instance if I set the relay to LED Off for off behavior, and magenta for on behavior. It will change to Magenta then never change back. And tested the night light function (Awesome idea by the way) turned all the other LEDs off but not the relay button.

For a suggestion Is there anyway to have night time mode a choice just to turn off the LEDs of lights that are not on?

You lost me, you turned relay tracking off and then it stopped tracking led state?

So you want the nighttime LED to track only on state?

I can never get the top relay LED to be off for either Off or on behavior. It will only ever change colour.

That would be great as an option. my thought is then when I have devices on and it becomes nighttime I can still see which buttons I need to turn off when i leave the room if that makes sense.