Zooz ZEN32 Scene Controller - How to setup dimming on main button?

Hello All,

New Home Assistant user, setting up a ZEN32 Scene controller, but appear to be getting confused by the different terms / options in Home Assistant. I have the ZEN32 setup using ZWave-JS UI, leveraged the Blueprint for it to setup Zwave Blind Group (Helper I guess is proper term?) on buttons 1 (up) and 3 (down) with ‘hold’ events to stop the blinds - took a little research and time, but not too bad overall.

The main button is setup with the Office lights (so normal ‘load’ switch) and works as desired for on / off. What I am trying to do now is use buttons 2 & 4 for dimming of the Office Lights, but I am struggling on how to do this properly?

The Entity is just the ‘Scene Controller’, so I am unsure how to make it a “light” and apply dimming attributes to it. I’ve now confused myself by looking at Helpers to create a light (but couldn’t get slider - just on/off), Light Template directly in Configuration.yaml, and that then spawned into scripts and sensors… I’m not getting the connection between the different items and just spinning trying stuff

Any direction or insights would be greatly appreciated!

Are you driving dumb bulbs off the load that’s switched by the main button? This device is not a dimmer so it cannot dim the load.

If instead you are using the main button as a controller to affect smart bulbs you’ll need to write an automation that retriggers as the button is held.

Dumb LED recessed lights that are dim compatible. I was thinking that I wanted to try and be able to use the scene 2 & 4 buttons as dimmer up and down, but I am confused as there technically is no light, as this is just a scene controller and no entities.

I though based on reading the docs and some searches on the ZEN32 that I could make a Helper to define the light and automation from there, but I seem to be missing some technical details on how to actually do that properly (as tried the Light Template ( Template Light - Home Assistant (home-assistant.io)) example from docs, that then spawns the Script and Sensor references - I’m getting confused as to how it all ties together, or maybe I’m just going about it the wrong way.

Then you will not be able to. The Zen32 cannot dim the physical load it can only perform on/off switching. You can’t make the switch provide a feature that the electronics do not exist inside the switch for.

Thanks Nathan… For some reason I just wasn’t thinking about the actual hardware capabilities (It’s a Switch, not a dimmer!) as all my other house switches are Zwave dimmers and didn’t even click

This Is the closest i got to the desired. Each button press is a brightness step up or down 10%. and my fan has 4 settings Off,Low, Med,High

alias: My Room Fan
description: ""
  path: fxlt/zen32-scene-controller-z-wave-js.yaml
    zooz_switch: d762630966ec1e39666b5fea5a49c586
    scene_1h: []
      - service: light.turn_on
        metadata: {}
          brightness_step_pct: -10
          entity_id: light.master_fan
      - service: light.turn_on
        metadata: {}
          brightness_step_pct: 10
          entity_id: light.master_fan
    scene_2h: []
      - service: fan.decrease_speed
        metadata: {}
        data: {}
          entity_id: fan.master_fan
      - service: fan.decrease_speed
        metadata: {}
        data: {}
          entity_id: fan.master_fan
      - service: fan.increase_speed
        metadata: {}
        data: {}
          entity_id: fan.master_fan
      - service: fan.increase_speed
        metadata: {}
        data: {}
          entity_id: fan.master_fan
    scene_5: []