Zooz Zen71 blueprint?

This device is similar to the Zen21, but that blueprint doesn’t allow you to specify a zen71 device. There were a few mentions of someone trying to modify the blueprint to work in the zen21 blueprint thread, but never got it to work. The device does support scene control, does someone have a working zen71 blueprint they can share?

I tried using this one off GitHub: https://github.com/austinmroczek/Home-AssistantConfig/blob/daa85ff5de3fadd390a42b3e9810f04df420e8dc/blueprints/automation/zooz-zen71-switch-automation-helper.yaml

However it doesn’t work as the attributes seem to be mapped incorrectly for double taps and such. The traces show no match and it just bypassing everything.

A few months late, probably, but the solution is to turn the scene control attribute in the switch ON. The 71 ships with scene control OFF by default, and it will look like a simple on/off switch. Since it doesn’t send scenes in this mode, the blueprint triggers never fire.

I am having the same issue. My ZEN71 has Scene Control (parameter 9) on. When attempting to create an automation using the Zooz ZEN71 Blueprint, Home Assistant does not allow me to select a ZEN71 device: “No matching devices found.” Does anyone have any suggestion? Thank you!

Did you miss that message?

Did not miss that message, but perhaps misunderstood how to turn the scene control attribute ON. As noted in my post, I changed parameter 9 (Scene Control) to ON. Does something else need to be done?

You are doing what we call necro posting. Responding to a post that is over a year old, They are not likely to be monitoring to help you.
I suggest if you cannot find what you want in a search, then make a new post.

Fair enough. Thanks!

I figured it out. My devices are ZEN71 800LR, not ZEN71. The blueprint provided by austinmroczek looks for ZEN71 only. To accommodate both ZEN71 and ZEN71 800LR, replace “model: ZEN71” with:

        - model: ZEN71
        - model: ZEN71 800LR

Nice find and thanks for updating this for others!