I just installed two Zooz Zen74 switches in a 3-way scenario. The main switch works just fine. If you haven’t done a 3 way with two Zooz smart switches, the second switch is basically just powered with the traveler and then you have to use software to map the function from the secondary to the main.
The second switch is included to my Z-wave network just fine but now I am stumbling on the programming part. I followed Zooz guide for direct association and it didn’t work consistently.
I already emailed Zooz tech support and they said that direct association on the Zen74 is not recommended as they don’t have the special parameters the Zen72 and Zen77 have. Fantastic.
I basically want the secondary switch to function exactly the same as the main. One tap up gets you previous brightness, one down is off, two taps…etc…
I grabbed IOT_Ninja’s blueprint for the Zen72 and modified it for Zen74. I can do basic on and off and it works. I think I am doing the wrong actions.
For example, am I supposed to be doing a device action or calling a service? For single tap up to get previous brightness…what do I do? I wish I could just point one switch at the other and say, you are to follow the same functionality.
I did set the secondary switch to scene mode so it knows it isn’t physically controlling its relay.
You might look to see if you can set the switch to be a controller of another switch. For example, with Fibaro in-wall controllers you can program them to send the same on/off/level commands to another controller. That means you can set up one to send its commands directly to the main switch to get the same effect. Personally, I have just wired up the second switch to nothing and used HA to setup automations so that when you use it it controls the first switch via z-wave. That works okay. (E.g., if switch 2 generates an “on” then tell switch 1 to turn “on” or you can do toggle, etc.)
What you first described is what Zooz calls direct association. Even though their website tells me to set it up this way, their tech support says it isn’t recommended.
Your second suggestion is what I am currently trying to figure out.
I have played with it a bit since I posted. I am making some progress but the one thing I can’t seem to see/figure out is the single tap return to previous brightness.
For the lights I have, when you turn them back on the automatically return to the previous brightness, so I’ve just needed to send a “toggle” or “on” for that. If you need to remember a brightness, you should use an Input Number and save the previous value into that number when you lose it (e.g., turn off or change) and then you can use it to set it back later.