I just bought a Zooz ZSE02 Motion Sensor. I’ve got over 30 Z-Wave devices connected to Home Assistant. The device is showing up, but I don’t see any sensors.
How can I get this sensor to work? Is it possible that the device is unsupported? Or should any Z-Wave sensor just show up automatically?
Some information is self-declared by the device. That includes all of the “entities” (which translate to sensors), which should be working for you. Some information is not, and comes from XML files that are part of OZW. You can check in the latest OZW source to see if it has been added. The main thing you’ll be missing without it is the device name and the list of configuration parameters.
The “refresh node” button should try to fetch that information again. You might have to deliberately wake up the sensor (with a button or motion) to get it to work more quickly. If “entities” show up after that you’ll need to restart HA to get the sensors.