Zooz ZSE40 Motion Sensor Help Beginner Guide

New to Home Assistant and new to working with motion sensors.

Question is what am I doing wrong in setting up a simple motion detected turn the lights on/off automation (first one by the way)?

I’ve done all the proper set-up using the GoControl CECOMINOD016164 HUSBZB-1 USB Hub, set-up the Z-wave JS Integration, and followed the proper set-up similar to this video. Everything looks to be sensing properly (see screenshot attached).

I do have some grayed out ones, wondering if that’s the problem and if i need to start from scratch and bring those entities in as well? I then set-up the automation (super easy), ran the actions and tested it properly, everything worked perfect.

I enabled it and tried it out with no manual triggers, and I’m getting nothing back. Nothing in the logbook, no lights, literally nothing.

Guess I’m truly asking is where did i go wrong and why do I not see any sign/feedback? I ideally would like to see in the logbook that motion detection has been detected, but throughout my tests and configuration, I’ve got nothing indicating the motion sensor works/set-up/on.

Hope I provided enough info and links/images. Let me know if you need anymore info to diagnosis it further.

Thank you in advance!


The screenshots are looking OK to me. Some greyed entities is normal. Your most needed entity - Home security Motion detector is not greyed, seems to be working.
Does it change state, if you move in front of the sensor?

Copy/paste your automation here, then we can have look, if there is something wrong. :wink:
(don’t forget to paste it as code!)

Thanks for the reply.

It doesn’t change state which is exactly what I’m looking for.

I believe the automation is set-up right as the interface is pretty easy to configure. I’m worried that the actual sensor isn’t working properly.


alias: 'KRB Test Automation ’
description: ‘’

  • type: motion
    platform: device
    device_id: 2d9b9e4b0bdef7bbd20a04aaafa3dc5e
    entity_id: binary_sensor.4_in_1_sensor_home_security_motion_detection
    domain: binary_sensor
    hours: 0
    minutes: 0
    seconds: 5
    condition: []
  • type: turn_on
    device_id: 35bdbd6d3af5e7d3216921b63622389f
    entity_id: switch.right_bed_light
    domain: switch
  • type: turn_on
    device_id: a737b33812da70b13957161760bae772
    entity_id: light.wiz_rgbw_tunable_86c628
    domain: light
    brightness_pct: 100
    mode: single

What state change am I looking for by the way? Because it hasn’t work yet, I don’t fully know what to look out for as indication it’s working? I assume the “Home Security - Motion detection” sensor entity would change from “clear” to something else? Any other places/indications I should look for?