I’m pretty new to mqtt - still trying to understand it.
I just flashed by first device, ZooZee SA102 outlet. I’ve enabled HA auto-discovery, but I’m noticing the device seems to drop offline ever couple seconds, then reconnects. HA flashes everything as Unavailable, then returns when device reconnects. Then, after about 10 or so times of this, it will permanently fail:
AP channel is set to Auto. Nighthawk R7000 Router, set as router behind router, 2.4ghx, 20/40 Coexistence is enabled.
Outlet does go offline - stop responding to pings, then returns. A pretty consistent pattern. I should note I have a good dozen devices connected to this SSID. This is the only one device exhibiting these issues.
Well, this is interesting: I’ve attempted to run a firmware upgrade - it failed, but it seemed to have cleared up the connection issues…
What I did:
Since WIFI continued to die out, I downloaded the .BIN file directly
Used the upload option
It failed with “Upload buffer miscompare” - BUT pings became consistent, very reliable.
I tried to an OTA firmware upgrade - it ran the upgrade, but then pings became inconsistent again. Attempting an upload upgrade (again) restored consistent connectivity. I’m confused…
Why did “Upload buffer miscompare” failure fix my constant wifi disconnections?