ZSE11 Zooz new 4 in 1 sensor - Zwave-JS error

Anyone using the ZSE11 in Z-Wave-JS?


It was added in last Z-Wave-JS release. I got it to include and sensors set-up. BUT the motion is triggering as a tamper sensor, and motion sensor is reporting tamper.

Anyone else?

Update. Looks like there is a PR to fix

Same Here. Trying to change it in customizations.

The devs says once device file is loaded it will be corrected.

For now, I changed the tamper to a motion in customize entity.

Side note, not happy at all with this sensor. Motion is not sensitive enough, temp and humidity off.

I solved my issues. It is a lot of work… but works.

  1. Take a full snapshot
  2. Delete Zwave-JS integration
  3. Stop Zwave-JS add-on (would not stop without delete as integration is managed)
  4. Install Zwave to MQTT add-on
  5. Restart
  6. Start Zwave to MQTT add-on
  7. Wait 20-30 minutes for device discovery and interview.
  8. While waiting, open the ZSE11 cover and press and hold button until blue LED flashes.
  9. In Zwave to MQTT add-on, confirm interview complete by expanding device and seeing the parameter for sensor and binary sensor.
  10. Go to bottom and expand last item (forget what it is called, maybe customize) Set Parameter 16, size 1, value 0.
  11. Trigger the ZSE11 to wake it up.
  12. Confirm in debug the message was sent to node.
  13. Stop and uninstall Zwave to MQTT. (prob not needed)
  14. Restore snapshot

The parameter you set is stored on the zwave stick.

Motion now triggers as motion with MUCH better range.

FIX that worked for me. I used this to fix my sensor in Z-waze JS.
You may need to change Parameter 16 to Value 0 (Size 1 byte dec ) so that motion detection is recognized by Home Assistant since the sensor sends a binary sensor report for motion, and JS expects a notification type. You can now change any parameter manually on the JS Z-Wave integration for Home Assistant.
Link to where I found the info.

In Zwave-JS Go to the ZSE11 Device and expand it using the arrow. Scroll Go to the bottom under Configure>custom configuration and change the Parameter picture below.

Fantastic you can now set any parameter. Are you using beta?

No I am on stable running in a VM my guess is you need to be using Z-Wave JS to MQTT version 0.16.0. I use Z-Wave JS to MQTT 0.16.0 with MQTT disabled.

|Installation Type|Home Assistant OS|
|Virtual Environment|false|
|Python Version|3.8.9|
|Operating System Family|Linux|
|Operating System Version|5.4.109|

Home Assistant Supervisor

|Host Operating System|Home Assistant OS 5.13|
|Update Channel|stable|
|Supervisor Version|supervisor-2021.04.3|
|Docker Version|19.03.15|

|Installed Add-ons|Z-Wave JS to MQTT (0.16.0)