ZTE H369A KPN Router

Heeey All,

I have a new router from KPN a Dutch internet provider.
I had a tp-link router, presentdetection works well.
Is it posible to have present detection on my new ZTE H369A router?
Is there someone here from Holland they have experiance with the ZTE H369A router?

Thanks for the answer.

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I’m afraid that you cannot use your KNP router for presence detection.

What you can use is NMAP:
It is doing an ARP request from the HASS server and based on your MAC address from your device (for example your mobile phone) it is checking if you are at home or not:


okay, clear. Pitty that it is not working on the way i normally use it. I going to try nmap. Thanks

I just got Home Assistant up and running and this was the first thing I checked. I have the ZTE H369A but branded for Tele2. I may see if I can make the library for the router.

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Hi rmdejonge,

For you, or anyone that comes across this thread in an effort to find a solution for this issue - I ran into the same problem. No module existed for this router, so I created one:

Follow the instructions as listed in the README, and you’ll be able to enable device tracking with the Experia Box v10.