Zugbee2MQTT would not change the temperature on my Eurotronic Spirit Zigbee

Hej People,

at home I´m using the folowing Hardware:

  • Raspberry Pi 4 (2GB)
  • Conbee II Stick
  • 4 Eurotronic Spirit Zigbee radiator thermostats
  • 4 Xiaomi Mi Smart Plugs (Zigbee)
  • 1 TRÅDFRI Switch

everything works great but the thermostats.

After joining them to the network I will be able to control them for some time. Some houres later, if I change the temperature they dont assume the value. they just don´t react on anything. After I restart them, they will work again for some time.

2 of these thermostats will work longer than the other 2.

I´m using Zigbee2Mqtt

  • could you tell me how to performe a firmware update?
  • could you tell me how to locate the problem (any logs)

Do you have any recommendations for better thermostats? (that are really reliable)
The support of eurotronic is horror

I also dont know, how zigbee works. is there a continuous connection from the coordnator to the clients? If I have an client that works as relais and if I restart it, will the client behind these relais reconnect automaticly or do I have to restart the device?

Hopefully you could anser one or more of these questions.

Thank you!