Zwave Aerostick not recognized anymore by HA Supervisor

Hi, just upgraded supervisor Core to 2021.11.2 and OS to 6.6. Now my Aerostick Zwave dongle is no longer identified in the hardware page.
I am running HA as a VM on Unraid OS. I am passing through the USB which contains the dongle to the VM. I have rebooted the server a few times and unplugged the dongle with no luck.
Any ideas?

Upgrade Z-Wave JS addon to 0.1.47. Or if using zwavejs2mqtt, disable Soft Reset in the z-wave settings.

Z-Wave JS addon is updated to 0.1.47. When using zwavejs2mqtt with disabled Soft Reset it still doesn’t recognize the dongle.

So I updated to core-2021.11.3 and the dongle is now detected. I guess this was another issue with a previous HA update…