Zwave beaming issue

So I have a Yale door lock…I also have a GE Lightswitch, a GE Outlet and a Honeywell T6 thermostat powered by C wire all in very close proximity 5-10 feet of each other. I do not believe the T6 beams to wake my FLiRS door lock and occasionally I am pretty certain that my door lock requests are getting routed thru the T6 (which, again, I do not believe is beaming to waken my door lock) and those requests timeout. There are times after neighbor rebuilds that my lock functions fine (when I believe commands are routing thru my GE devices). Is there a Zwave advanced method for me to exclude the T6 from repeating to my Yale Lock? I am trying to understand if there is a way to force my pathing from my controller to my lock only thru the GE devices. Any advice would help greatly.

Try heal node on nodes having issues

thanks for the response…I had healed the network multiple times. My concern is that the message is being routed to the lock via a repeater which might not support beaming or has issues reaching it with beam. How can I ensure beam and message are sent from closest repeater or a specific repeater?

You haven’t actually said which Z-Wave integration/software you are using so the ability to assign routes would be dependent on that. Assuming Z-Wave JS, there is no way to manually control routing. If you have a USB stick, you could try the Silicon Labs PC Controller software (Windows only), which lets you assign routes, if you think that’s what you really need to do. You can’t really know what’s going on unless you watch the traffic using a zniffer.

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My apologies…completely slipped my mind. Built currently on openzwave. Want to assign routes if possible. I have definite reasons for doing so. So I am on openzwave with a homeseer stick. Any help is appreciated.

Sorry, not possible with OZW either. You could temporarily plug your stick into a windows PC and make the assignment, but YMMV. I’ve not heard of anyone trying it around here.

So i understand that Priority Routes may be something I would want to try. I have a pretty static installation. Anyone have good/bad experiences with Priority Routes? Advice? Is this down the right track?