I had been using CT-100 thermostats successfully through my vera. I finally migrated all my devices to a z-stick and everything works correctly except the thermostats. I am able to control my CT-100 thermostats from the front end of Home Assistant and perform simple automation or script commands. When I attempt to use the device name in a template I get an error. The device name is: climate.2gig_technologies_ct100_thermostat_usa_cooling_1_62_2. Something about the name is creating problems. If anyone has any suggestions I would like to hear them. I tried renaming them in OZWCP, but it didn’t seem to help. The name wasn’t recognized or use.
Perhaps you could post the error and config you are using?
I am using the same thermostat in template sensors just fine.
This is an example, my script templates are substantially longer. As an example, the top one works fine, the bottom one give the error shown below it.
friendly_name: “Outside Temperature”
value_template: ‘{{ states.sensor.dark_sky_temperature.state }}’
friendly_name: “Inside Temperature”
value_template: ‘{{ states.climate.2gig_technologies_ct100_thermostat_usa_cooling_1_62_2.attributes.current_temperature }}’
home-assistant.log gives the error:
ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.config] Invalid config for [sensor.template]: invalid template (TemplateSyntaxError: expected token ‘end of print statement’, got ‘gig_technologies_ct100_thermostat_usa_cooling_1_62_2’) for dictionary value @ data[‘sensors’][‘inside_temperature’][‘value_template’]. Got ‘{{ states.climate.2gig_technologies_ct100_thermostat_usa_cooling_1_62_2.attributes.current_temperature | float }}’. (See ?, line ?). Please check the docs at https://home-assistant.io/components/sensor.template/
There is a bug with template sensors and entities where the name starts with a number.
One workaround might be to rename the entity or add a name: to the configuration.
I had a similar issue with gpslogger.
Edit: link to the issue
It’s got to do with python. See this: