Today I was looking for help on configuring my zwave aeotec z-stick with HA. Most of the configs were not setup for the hassbian install and the virtenv. So thought I’d pass this along in case anyone runs into the issue I did.
Be sure to
$ sudo apt-get install libudev-dev
$ hassbian-config install openzwave(Running on RPi3 took awhile to finish)
This is the config absolute path I found looking for anything zwave related. If running with the Hassbian image, this is the virtenv you will use to find all your packages installed. The Z-Wave Network Management interface is actually pretty nifty and for now do not see myself needing to stop HA services to run the OZWCP web server.
Wow, thnx was just looking for a answer to this. Will try this after work… The documentation is a mess with all those different versions for a noob like me.
Agreed, still fairly new to HA but the more and more I’m using it, I really enjoy it. A big thank you to the community too for posting other workarounds and solutions.
So, the Z-wave service meny show up in Home assistant.
But i cant get any of my paired devices to show up in the ui. How can i check if the z-stick is working properly?
I don’t think HA knows my zstick is plugged in.
I get this in my log
2017-06-28 17:07:52 WARNING (Thread-11) [homeassistant.components.zwave] zwave not ready after 30 seconds, continuing anyway
edit: nvm it was usb_path: /dev/ttyACM0 for me. its working now
Once you can see the device in /dev/tty* you can also run:
$dmesg |grep USB
Once you see the device there, you’ll want to configure the settings as above. Then reboot once more. Pull the usb stick and push the button into pairing. Press the the pairing button on the switch, once both have paired, plug the usb stick back into the RPi and reboot once more. You should then see a Switch view on the dashboard.