
Hey Everyone,

Can someone post a working zwave_device_config.yaml file? i currently am running 0.40 and my zwave_device_config.yaml is blank, but all of my zwave stuff is in separate folders (sensors, switches, etc) and seem to be working, but I know that’s not the new correct way of doing it. I have it as the old customize way.


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Ok I don’t know what happened, but after changing everything from !env_var to !secrets, all of a sudden when I checked the configuration section of my HA and my ZWAVE devices now show up. I’ve tried restarting my HA many many times prior and there was never a zwave section that showed up in configuration.

Are you going to post it?

my zwave_device_config.yaml is still blank but now I can make config changes using the configuration section of my HA. I wasn’t able to see the zwave section in the configuration so i assumed that the zwave_device_config.yaml wasn’t really supposed to be blank even though it says it in the docs. I assumed this because the groups.yaml file was supposed to be blank (if config enabled) according to the docs, but it really wasn’t supposed to be blank.

i just tried changing the polling and it didn’t seem to change it on any of the zwave devices i tried to modify. doesn’t seem to work for me. i must be missing something.

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