Zwave device names lost after 0.49

I would be very happy if you could post the instructions you followed, i have the same problem :frowning:

I am very sorry, but I don’t have the link. Try to google on updating openzwave. And also take a backup of your zwcfg*.xml-file for when this happens again in the future (it will).

For those who may encounter this problem in later versions, this functionality has moved. I encountered this problem today in 0.94.1, and restoring zwcfg*.xml did not restore the custom device names. This had worked for me previously, so I was rather distressed at first. I eventually found that these are now stored in config/.storage/core.entity_registry. Restoring this file (while Home Assistant was stopped) restored all of my custom z-wave device names. (I do not know in what version this change was made.)

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entity_registry was sometime around 0.74