I’m not sure what happened, but mostly all if not all of the zwave devices i renamed from 0.48 using the zwave rename option from the frontend are no longer showing up with the correct names. Any advice for how I can get the names back?
Can you find your zwcfg*.xml file before or after your upgrade?
yes i backup my files daily and restored an older zwcfg*.xml file, but the names are still messed up. is there another file that HA uses for names when I use their zwave rename function on the front end?
Ok I restored the zwcfg*xml file from an even earlier date and that seems to have fixed my naming issue.
I also have this problem! I upgraded from 0.48 to 0.50.1 today and then all names was lost. I will also try to copy that file from a backup from yesterday .
I fixed some names and had to exclude and include some entities again. But today it happened again… Anyone have any idea why?
So my names seem to have changed twice now.
I went from this :
To this:
Now it’s this:
I guess I’m not the only one?
I will try to update to 0.50.2 and am hoping that will solve this issue for me.
So, I got frustrated and reflashed my SD card for my RPi3. In retrospect this was probably not necessary. Once I got everything back up I still had the same issues so I tried using the rename node function in the Z-Wave panel. At first it looked like this wasn’t doing anything but after restarting the HASS service the names started showing up properly. I’m coming to the conclusion that sometimes you just have to walk away and let it do it’s thing before it starts working.
Have you looked at your Z-Wave config file? Should be in the same directory as your configuration.yaml. It’s called something like zwcfg_xxxxxxxxx.xml; for instance mine is zwcfg_0xdd6c51dc.xml. Next to each Node id you should have a name. Are they populated?
When all disappeared the file was reverted to basically empty or very little information. I’ve now updated ozw and have not experienced problems since, so I’m hoping that solved it.
How did you update ozw? I have had the disappearing zwave name issue now twice and it’s extremely frustrating. It seems ridiculous to me that this isn’t more stable. I know this is somewhat expected with a roll your own type setup, but it seems completely random when it happens. I haven’t added any new devices or removed any devices. I’m leaving for vacation tomorrow and right now my entire system is dead in the water which completely sucks. None of my lighting automation’s will work while I am away.
I’ve rebooted a few times as well as restart HA. A couple device names came back, but most are still missing.
Any help is appreciated.
I followed these instructions, from point 10 and switched to my Hass venv.
Had this happen again. I was troubleshooting my MQTT and restarting HASS. When it came back all my Zwave was gone. Another restart got me lights back but switches and sensors were still reset. My ozwcfg file just has some of the nodes with no name.
<Node id="7" name="" location="" basic="4" generic="8" specific="6" type="General Thermostat V2" listening="true" frequentListening="false" beaming="true" routing="true" max_baud_rate="40000" version="3" query_stage="Complete">
What is odd is when I drop a backup copy of my ozwcfg file in and restart HASS it wipes the same names again.
Well, just as I was ready to consign my self to naming them all again I restarted the HASS service and it’s all back to normal. I had stopped the HASS service and left it off for 20 minutes, not sure if that had anything to do with it. Whatever.
I’m having this issue all of a sudden now too. On 0.50.2 and haven’t made any config changes in a few days. Found that my z wave devices weren’t working at all or very delayed so I restarted Hass. When it came back, most items were missing in my front end and the states page showed similar to other posts in here. Restored an old backup which fixed it for awhile but it reverted again after a normal restart from a few customization and automation changes unrelated to any z wave components. Thought maybe my SD card was going bad so I restored a good image and config files but still having the same issue.
Which instructions did you follow? Can you share a link?
Having the same issue with items I had renamed through Home Assistant.
Just had this happen to me on 0.53.0 after a power outage. Huge bummer as I didn’t have a zwcfg backup. Also it reset my HomeKit/Homebridge rooms so I have to configure all those again as well
Have the same issue. How can I update ozw
You can replace your zwcfg with a backup one (if you have one). Make sure to STOP home assistant first though or else it will just get overwritten. I make it a habit to keep a backup of the zwcfg file just because of this reason.