Evening, I’m running HAOS and all of my Z-wave devices are working fine except for when I toggle them manually. Mainly all of my light switches, if they are ON, and I turn them OFF via the paddle, in HA Overview they still show ON. Not sure what is going one, it’s more than one device. I tried reinterviewing, excluding and repairing, still same. I see there the Logbook it recognizes the manual paddle press be it on/off dimmer up/down - but doesn’t reflect in HA Overview.
I’m using HS-WD100+ connected via 800 Series LR Zooz. Everything has the latest updates.
Sure, thanks for quick reply. So going to the UI on my PC below is the Overview page.
The light was turned off by the switch, but it doesn’t reflect in HA. But when i toggle it with the swich I see the actions in the Logbook when i got to device info (since i’m considering new user can’t post the Logbook pic, will post in another comment)
It looks like your device is sending a ZWave scene event, but I don’t see a state update event. Do you see that also, or just the scene event? One thing you might be able to do is turn off the device sending scene events and see if that fixes it. (My Fibaro devices send both a scene and the state update.)
This statement isn’t particularly helpful given there are lots of options to mix and match software from the OS up. Which Z-wave add-on are you using? Z-wave-JS or Z-Wave-JS-UI?
The logbook is showing “central scene” events, which are basically button clicks. The logbook doesn’t show that the switch was turned off, only that its button was clicked. HA does not assume that just because a button was clicked that the state changed, it expects the switch to explicitly say when it is on or off.
There may be a setting on the switch disabling state (on/off) updates. Check the switch parameters for something like local or remote control enable/disable; unfortunately the manual for the HS-WD100+ only lists a few of the parameters but maybe there are others. I did notice a lot of forum threads (here, and at homeseer) about this model, maybe searching will turn up some additional advice.
Okay, so I migrated to ZwaveJSUI - Current version: 3.13.2
The device info for the device not working is: HS-WD100+ by HomeSeer Technologies Connected via 800 Series Long Range USB Controller Firmware: 5.14 Z-Wave info ID: 25 Ready: Yes Highest security: None Z-Wave Plus: Version 1
Think I figured it out - Odd thing is I have other switches same model that report the correct change, only difference is I see the firmware is 5.16. After going through one by one, I noticed all the ones that don’t report the change are firmware 5.14, NOW wondering how I can update the firmware - if that’s even possible.
Thanks, appreciate it - i’ll do some reading. like the setup of ZUI to see more info/tweak things if need and the graph, but ashame it can’t pull info from HA after the switchover my HA overview/devices look great, but going into UI can’t tell what’s what. I guess I just do this for everythign that’s in there now, then moving forward enroll in ZUI.