Zwave fibaro fgms001 problem

good morning everyone this morning new problem … then I have 2 fibaro motion sensor fgms001 of which one works perfectly while the other does not work the motion sensor, and I state that in the hc2 where they were connected they worked perfectly. I noticed that scrolling through the settings one tells me zwave plus true while what does not work zwave false … it may be the problem that one is zwave plus and the other not? and there is a way to make it work thanks in advance

In case of such problems please always provide zwave logs. There are old and new models with and without zwave plus but motion detection works in zwave plus it’s called burglar and non-plus binary sensor.

what could be the problem that everything works except the motion? temp and lux work

Damaged device … Did you add it as secured device? Is it zwave plus,?