ZWAve Fibaro universal binary sensor - temp readings shuffled

I have one of these in the garage with two temp sensors attached. Worked fine with OZW and domoticz, but since running HA with Zwave to MQTT (ZWAVE JS integration) I am seeing occasions where the wrong temp sensor is read (actually looking at the data, one (changing) temp sensor is read in both places, the right one and the wrong one).

Not clear whether ZWave MQTT is sending wrong data, or if HA is picking it up and mishandling it. Not even sure where to start with debugging. Is anyone else seeing the same problem? Suggestions for which (small!) log to turn on to catch it red handed? We are talking one or two a day, so now easy to find except after the fact when it is clear that one of the temp reading is rogue (and only then if the roof temp and the internal temp are way different).