Zwave Generic Exception : Error when retrieving device?

I am close to having to give up on Z-Wave & home assistant.

My first install was via docker. Z-Wave stick was found, but my connectivity to devices was terrible. I decided to try z-wave on other programs. I tested on HomeGenie and it worked perfectly.

So my next test was to deploy a virtual machine and run HA through there. I created a Debian VM, but I can’t for the life of me figure out why I’m not able to connect to my Z-Wave Stick.

Here is my log:

I even set a persistent USB name after ttyACM0 wasn’t working, yet nothing changed. And just to show I’m not crazy:

I was thinking it might be something with the OpenZWave library, but I’m still a relative newbie and have a hard time determing these things.

Any thoughts?

Issue resolved in chat room.

There was a dialout issue for the user running HA.

Thanks for the help!

So what was the fix? I am running into the same problem and cannot find a true solution.