ZWave help

Just giving HassIO a try for the first time. I have things up and running, but zwave is not working.

I see in the logs something like: “zwaveusbstick not found”.

in my configuration.yaml I have:

  usb_path: /dev/ttyACM0

I’ve tried with and without usb_path.

my stick is the Aeon labs one, works fine with Hassbian.

I’m totally new with Docker. I think I get the basic concept, but I don’t understand the details (yet).

I’ve configured SSH, and can SSH in, but when I do, I appear to be within some other docker image or something? ie, no /home/homeassistant dir, nothing in /dev/tty* etc

So… How do I configure my zwave? or how to I get to my docker image from my ssh terminal? Or what am I missing here?

Have you confirmed that you have the usb_path right? It can change if you plug in to a different port on your Pi. Run

ls /dev/ttyACM*

I rebooted my pi, and now it appears zwave is being detected.

BTW, what is the right way to reboot this now from the ssh terminal?

yeah, the

ls /dev/tty*

shows just


but, as I said, that part is working now… I need to understand this whole docker thing much better…

working with:

  usb_path: /dev/ttyACM0

You see this device only from base system or homeassistant docker.

That’s sort of what I figured… But how do I get into the base system, or the HomeAssistant Docker?

I’m sure this is noob stuff - if you can point me to some links I’m happy to read…


Docker blocks access to USB devices by default. Recommend visiting

and searching the page for “–privileged” and “–device”. Note: the “–privileged” switch is only recommended for troubleshooting because it bypasses a lot of security features. Once you know that it’s an access issue, stop using “–privileged” and define access to the USB device with the “–device” switch.

Note: you’ll be using the above switches in your initial “docker run” statement.

  • Tim

My zwave is still not being found. I tried to restart the system and also tried to do the docker privileged command as well , “docker run --privileged” but it says no docker command.

packetgeek, are you running your home assistant off the auto install verision? Is there a certain location I need to get to before I can run that?

Anyone else having this z-wave issue? Seems like I’m the only one besides avp’s which was fixed by simple reboot.

Any help would be appreciated. – I’m going to switch SD card to regular Hassbian version and confirm it’s still working there

Nevermind — got it working! …was a simple error in the config.yaml file with an extra “/”. Had it listed as /dev/tty/ACM0 instead of ttyACM0
amateur hour…thank you anyways

–still a little curious about the docker - and why it wouldn’t see the port on the command line without the config file matching correctly, USB is still mounted, no?

Sorry for the delay. It looks like you were trying to run docker from inside your container. The giveaway is the shell prompt and that you weren’t able to find docker.