Zwave-js and button presses on fibaro keyfob not appearing as events

By the way, I did install the control panel by just installing that from the zwave-js mqtt add on, but there appears to be no option to delete a nodes data. Yes you can activate a remove node event, but there appears to be no equivalent to the origonal zwave method of removing a failed node. If that’s the case, you need to be sure of a perfect initial node setup and subsequent adding sequence. In my limited experience, this is hard to achieve and in practice you need something the control panel to remove bad data from the controller.

Although these devices are on the supported list, I’ve now come to the conclusion that the current zwave-js doesn’t properly support them.

My initial attempt after converting to zwave-js left the fibaro keyfob as a device from the old rig, but I could never get it to wake up and have an interview. So I went back to the deprecated zwave, removed the device that way, reinstall zwave-js and tried to add the keyfob from scratch. No matter what I tried, a node number was allocated, but the device was never recognised as active even though I kept the keyfob awake for a decent number of minutes and left things for hours pressing the wakeup buttons from time to time. I also tried the zwave-js-mqtt as that allows you to fire off an interview - again no joy.

If anyone else with one these handy keyfobs has got it working, I’d love to know how!

Possibly related; I have a Fibaro Button FGPB-101 and I can’t get that to generate zwave_js_event events. Or rather, I have seen it generate a zwave_js_event exactly once. It took me by surprise because it wouldn’t, it wouldn’t, it wouldn’t and then it did. I took a screenshot and I’m glad about that because it has not generated one while I have been looking at the Developer Tools events page since. So the system can generate these events but it is a rather rare occurrence in my experience.
The device is Ready and mostly Asleep. It seems to be functioning normally. If I watch the Z-Wave JS integration log and press the button, this node wakes up for a moment then goes back to sleep again. There is just almost never an event.
I suppose this will get resolved once the new integration matures a bit more. Everything else is already working fine.

I’m glad I’m not going mad then :slight_smile:

HI, just posted a question about this device in the ‘let’s talk about’ thread, because I hadn’t spotted your comment before that.

Have you meanwhile updated and had more luck with this Button? Id like to use it as an alarm-panel control button, so it needs to be reliable :wink: publishing events I can pickup and use for script triggers.

I have looked at this some more. Unfortunately, I am coming round to the idea that these just aren’t very reliable devices. Some of them work properly but many of them don’t. See this Fibaro forum thread for example. The maddening thing is, mine was working OK before Christmas, but then I went away for five weeks and - like an idiot :smile: - I removed the battery for the duration. Now it mostly doesn’t send events at all, but sends a lot more than I thought at the time of my earlier post. KeyHeldDown is quite commonly sent. KeyReleased does not necessarily follow but is then sent for a single click at some later occasion sometimes. KeyPressed can be sent but that really doesn’t happen very often. KeyPressedx2 is now the event I have only seen once.

You’re sorry you asked now, I bet. I love the look and the idea of this button, but this is a “don’t recommend”, I’m afraid.

yeah, really too bad, it is almost the only button coming close to a true panic button :wink: at least, as far as I have found any.
Maybe I could simply program a Hue remote to do the same though…

It might be more by luck than judgement, but I found that after about version 2021.03, that the fob got recognised and a full node interview was completed. In my case I removed the node from control panel and the fob, added it from the control panel, kept pressing circle and minus a few times after adding the node to keep it awake. Using the zwave control panel, I could see it was added successfully. For me this was the first time this has happened since moving to zwave-js. It’s been solid since then and I only have the one keyfog, so I’m not in a position to play around. Once the node is in, recognised and a node interview completed, you can listen for events in the developers tool and pick up the scene change data from there.

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I would love to hear identical reports on the FGPB-101… Don’t think I can find good use for the KeyFob, that is to say, I am looking for a single use clicker now, which can hit blindly :wink:

For me I’ve found it handy to turn TV on/off, volume up and down, turn hot water heater on for an hour, turn ducted air system on. More once I find how reliable the device is. I was looking for a low power remote to provide an easy, physical interface to HA.

Any other device people find always of interest :slight_smile:

Weirdly - maybe weirdly - having upgraded to core-2021.4.0 and Z-Wave JS add-on 0.1.17 earlier today, I now find that zwave_js_value_notifications are generally coming through quite reliably from my FGPB-101 button.

For me the upgrade meant I needed to change my automations to use the event zwave_js_value_notification. Previously I used zwave_js_notification as the event and that worked fine up until recenty. Probably some documentation I didn’t read!

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dmshimself, Many many many thanks, You are life saver, changed zwave_js_event
in an automations and now works as before on latest version Zwave.JS 0.1.19


Changed to:

Version of Zwave.JS:

Events work when pressing key as before:

I just migrated/upgraded to zwave JS, and it’s been great so far, except for this one issue:

Any thoughts on how to get this working on a GE/Jasco in-wall switch? I’ve got a bunch of these, and I have a couple automations that relied on getting the key pressed value to function. Basically even when the switch is “off” pressing down on it will still send a (central scene?) command, but I can’t figure out how to see it in HA other than in the zwave JS logs. Any help would be appreciated. :slight_smile:

In an effort not to hijack here, I’ve created a new thread, as it’s not 100% related to this topic: Z-Wave JS & (Central Scene?) switch values

Hi All, I also had issues with my Fibaro Button (fgpb-101), in the log every time I pushed the button I only saw:

CNTRLR « [Node 033] received wakeup notification
CNTRLR « [Node 033] received wakeup notification
CNTRLR « [Node 033] received wakeup notification

Only once in maybe 20 times it gave me back

CNTRLR « [Node 033] received CentralScene notification {
“nodeId”: 33,
“ccId”: “Central Scene”,
“ccCommand”: “0x03”,
“payload”: “0x0f8001” }

And sometimes I got this 3 times in a row, and then again 20 times nothing. For me the solutions seems to be: new batteries. I bought some new ones and now it works perfectly. I have 2 buttons, one did not work well when I put new batteries in but when I excluded it and included it again it also worked well. I guess these little things need strong batteries to perform well.

Maybe it can help you too.