ZWave JS failure to re-interview, Devices gone

I have a Home Assistant latest version installed. I have ZWAVE JS through ZOOZ ZWAVE stick.

Everything was working until recently(3-5 days back). With latest updates, I noticed, I lost may of my zwave devices.

They show like the following in configuration page.

Driver Version: 8.2.3
Server Version: 1.10.3
Nodes ready: 21 / 31

I tried to re-interview device to see whether it brings them back. But, everytime I re-interview, that device is removed from “ready” list. I also tried “Heal” for entire network and for individual device. It did not work either.

Any idea how to fix this?

Are they battery operated or mains powered devices? Re-interview can take a long time for battery operated devices (multiple hours or even a day or so). Maybe you can share some information on the devices that aren’t working properly? (Brand, model, etc.)

Yeah the battery operated devices could definitely be the cause of the problem like Rick mentioned.

I’ve had zwavejs “stuck” at a battery device during interviewing everything at startup, and also during heals. The solution to me was to “wake up” the battery powered devices. I only have a few remotes and I was able to just wake them up with a button press. I have two battery powered door locks and I think those don’t go into a “deep sleep” like my remotes, but I locked and unlocked the doors just in case to make sure they were active. Interviewing and healing worked fine when all the battery powered devices are awake.

This is happening with power connected devices like GE/Jasco dimmer.

I tried again with a battery device(DOME water leak sensor). Here is what I did.

  1. On HA, it was in status “Node Ready: Yes”
  2. I clicked on re-interview device. It kept spinning while the status became “Node Ready: No”, and it became inactive device.
  3. I manually tried wake up on device. No change on the HA. nothing worked and device is still un available.

Here is another one.

I excluded a kwikset lock and adding it back. When adding back, HA was put in to inclusion mode. When I pressed the button on kwikset lock, the “inclusion” screen disappears on HA. However, the device is not added.

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This came up on another thread recently - I have two older 910 locks and these kwikset Iocks are very fussy and tricky to pair. You have to “exclude” first ( even if it never was attached to any system), then include it. The lock also does “whisper” pairing and must be right next to the hub/zstick to exchange security keys.

These instructions are pretty good

Someone who knows more about zwavejs I’m sure can correct me on this if I’m wrong, but from my experience when the network first connects/interviews everything it goes sequentially through the list of devices. If it “gets stuck” on an issue with interviewing the battery device, all the other devices “down the line” ie higher node ID number, even if mains powered, will not interview and configure properly.

You can try completely excluding any battery powered device and see if the issue goes away to try and rule this out as a possibility.

If you are still having issues after that, its likely something else then. At that point you will have to really dig into the logs (there’s two sets of them), and set them to “silly” level where it logs everything, and look for the issues. You can try interviewing and posting the relevant logs here to try and troubleshoot further if still having issues.

I did exclude and try including them. Looks like this whole ZWave system is very brittle.