ZWave-JS Inovelli LZW36 Fan Switch/Dimmer

The blueprint references a symbol zwave_device which is not defined. This results in a log entry:

WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.helpers.template] Template variable warning: 'zwave_device' is undefined when rendering '{{ zwave_device }}'

very time my automation is triggered.

This should be fixed now. Let me know if you continue seeing the error occur.

I had to manually figure this out as well. I suppose it would be appropriate to rename the buttons according to their real-life positioning. I will get to this at some point, thanks for the tip

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How do I update it? I deleted and re-installed it, and it looks the same as before.

Mine is changed, but I still get the error again, so I’ll need to reexamine

This warning now says zwavejs_device instead of zwave_device

2022-04-19 08:35:53 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.helpers.template] Template variable warning: 'zwavejs_device' is undefined when rendering '{{ zwavejs_device }}'

Is there something I need to do to update the blueprint or the automations I created from it?

I agree, the variable is never defined.

I did the following changes:

  1. added device_name description (3rd line)
  device_id: !input 'inovelli_fan_switch'
  device_name: "{{ device_attr(!input 'inovelli_fan_switch','name') }}"
  1. Modified log entry to call the device_name variable (4th line):
- service: logbook.log
    name: Device
    message: '{{ device_name }}'

@cree8 maybe update/test and see if that works for you?

Also, if you host on Github I can do a pull request with the changes…

Here is the Github repo: cree8/inovelli_lzw36_blueprint (

Once you initiate the pull request, I’ll test then merge later this evening. (At least, I think that’s how the workflow should proceed!)

PR submitted.

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So far, the pull request page is empty for me

Went ahead and learned some of the blueprint yaml syntax and corrected the variable issue. Button presses should show up as proper events within the log now, and the undefined variable error should no longer occur.

Hey @cree8,

I just wanted to tell you thank you as I just implemented this shockingly easily into my house. Now with two double presses of the “A” button the applicable room’s accent lights can be toggled. :slight_smile: