ZwaveJS Multicast does not work with s2 security, and it doesn’t work at all with s0. Please do not ask why this isn’t working if you are using s2 security.
This will produce log warnings if you use groups with one light. The script dynamically counts lights on or off for the given command. If the filtered lights result in 1 light, you will also get a warning. You can safely ignore this warning.
The warning:2021-11-14 06:13:48 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.zwave_js] Passing the zwave_js.multicast_set_value service call to the zwave_js.set_value service since only one node was targeted
For everyone else not using s0 or s2…
I finally decided to use Zwave JS’s multicast service call. Using this allows you to turn on multiple lights and switches much faster than listing out the entities in a service call.
This setup creates “Light groups” but specifically designed around zwave js multicast. It will group light
and switch
domains into a single light
Make your group(s). This is the old school grouping method, only provided by yaml
- light.bonus_room_bedroom_fixture
- light.bonus_room_bedroom_recessed
- light.bonus_room_entrance
- light.bonus_room_office_fixture
- light.bonus_room_office_recessed
- light.dining_room_chandelier
- light.hallway
- light.kitchen_recessed
- light.kitchen_island
- light.living_room
- light.master_bathroom_recessed
- light.master_bathroom_fixture
- light.master_closet
- light.master_fixture
- switch.basement_recessed
- switch.basement_stairs
- switch.dining_room_hutch
- switch.foyer
- switch.garage_recessed
- switch.garage_entry
- switch.garage_workbench
- switch.kitchen_cabinet
- switch.kitchen_pantry
- switch.laundry
- switch.living_room_window
- switch.master_nightstand_left
- switch.master_nightstand_right
This script is needed for the turnon/turnoff functionality. Place this script into your script section.
Do not change the order of the variables.
This script defaults lights to command_class=38
, property='targetValue'
, and endpoint=0
This script defaults switches to command_class=38
, property='targetValue'
, and endpoint=0
If you have any special requirements, like command_class 32 or a different endpoint for a specific set of lights, list them out individually in the settings section.
basic settings section, with no special requirements. Do not change this. Only add to it.
command_class: 38
property: targetValue
endpoint: 0
value: "{{ brightness_pct }}"
command_class: 37
property: targetValue
endpoint: 0
value: "{{ value }}"
Advanced settings section with 2 special requirements
switch.flood_light has an endpoint of 1 and switch.sliding_door_sconce has an endpoint of 2.
command_class: 38
property: targetValue
endpoint: 0
value: "{{ brightness_pct }}"
command_class: 37
property: targetValue
endpoint: 0
value: "{{ value }}"
command_class: 32
endpoint: 1
command_class: 32
endpoint: 1
endpoint: 2
The script will group up and perform the necessary number of service calls for grouped commands. I.e. if 2 special settings are grouped together, this will only perform 1 multicast service call.
mode: parallel
alias: Multicast to Zwave Group
description: (Required) The group of lights & switches
example: group.bonus_room_area
description: (Optional) The brightness level, switches will be on if the level is greater than 0.
example: 99
brightness_pct: >
{%- set brightness_pct = (level | int(0) / 255 * 100) | int %}
{%- set brightness_pct = [ 0, brightness_pct ] | max %}
{%- set brightness_pct = [ 99, brightness_pct] | min %}
{{- brightness_pct }}
value: >
{%- set value = brightness_pct > 0 %}
{{- value }}
command_class: 38
property: targetValue
endpoint: 0
value: "{{ brightness_pct }}"
command_class: 37
property: targetValue
endpoint: 0
value: "{{ value }}"
command_class: 38
property: targetValue
endpoint: 0
value: "{{ brightness_pct }}"
lights: >
{% if value %}
{% set off_lights = expand(group)
| selectattr('domain', 'eq', 'light')
| selectattr('state', 'eq', 'off')
| map(attribute='entity_id') | list %}
{% set on_lights = expand(group)
| selectattr('domain', 'eq', 'light')
| selectattr('state', 'eq', 'on')
| selectattr('attributes.brightness', 'defined')
| rejectattr('attributes.brightness','eq', level)
| map(attribute='entity_id') | list %}
{{ (off_lights + on_lights) or none }}
{% else %}
{{ expand(group)
| selectattr('domain', 'eq', 'light')
| selectattr('state', 'eq', 'on')
| map(attribute='entity_id') | list or none }}
{% endif %}
covers: >
{% if value %}
{% set off_lights = expand(group)
| selectattr('domain', 'eq', 'cover')
| selectattr('state', 'eq', 'closed')
| map(attribute='entity_id') | list %}
{% set on_lights = expand(group)
| selectattr('domain', 'eq', 'cover')
| selectattr('state', 'eq', 'open')
| selectattr('attributes.current_position', 'defined')
| rejectattr('attributes.current_position','eq', brightness_pct)
| map(attribute='entity_id') | list %}
{{ (off_lights + on_lights) or none }}
{% else %}
{{ expand(group)
| selectattr('domain', 'eq', 'cover')
| selectattr('state', 'eq', 'open')
| map(attribute='entity_id') | list or none }}
{% endif %}
switches: >
{%- set switches = expand(group) | selectattr('domain', 'eq', 'switch') %}
{%- set switches = switches | selectattr('state','eq', 'off' if value else 'on') %}
{%- set switches = switches | map(attribute='entity_id') | list %}
{{- switches or none }}
items: >
{%- set ns = namespace(items={}, spool={}) %}
{%- set fmat = "('{0}': {1})" %}
{%- set items = (switches or []) + (lights or []) + (covers or []) %}
{%- for item in items %}
{%- set state_obj = expand(item) | first | default(none) %}
{%- if state_obj and state_obj.domain in ['light','switch','cover'] %}
{%- set domain = state_obj.domain %}
{%- set entity_id = state_obj.entity_id %}
{%- set entity_ids = lights if domain == 'light' else switches %}
{%- set entity_ids = covers if domain == 'cover' else entity_ids %}
{%- set current = settings[domain] %}
{%- set current = dict(current, **settings[entity_id]) if entity_id in settings else current %}
{%- set key = domain ~ '_' ~ current.items() | list | string | lower | regex_findall('[a-z0-9_]+') | join('_') %}
{%- if key in ns.spool %}
{%- set ns.spool = dict(ns.spool, **{key:ns.spool[key] + [entity_id]}) %}
{%- else %}
{%- set ns.spool = dict(ns.spool, **{key:[entity_id]}) %}
{%- endif %}
{%- set entity_ids = ns.spool[key] %}
{%- set current = dict(domain=domain, **current) %}
{%- set current = dict(current, entity_id=entity_ids) %}
{%- set ns.items = dict(ns.items, **{key:current | string}) %}
{%- endif %}
{%- endfor %}
[{{ ns.items.values() | unique | sort | list | join(', ') }}]
execute: >
{{ items is not none or items != [] }}
total: >
{{ items | length if execute else 0 }}
- condition: template
value_template: "{{ execute }}"
- repeat:
count: "{{ total }}"
- service: zwave_js.multicast_set_value
entity_id: "{{ items[repeat.index - 1].entity_id }}"
command_class: "{{ items[repeat.index - 1].command_class }}"
property: "{{ items[repeat.index - 1].property }}"
endpoint: "{{ items[repeat.index - 1].endpoint }}"
value: "{{ items[repeat.index - 1].value }}"
Template Lights (That mimic a light group)
This is a single light that can be turned on, off, and have it’s level set. It will turn on all entities inside a group
unique_id: inside_area
friendly_name: Inside
value_template: >
{{ is_state('group.inside_area', 'on') }}
level_template: >
{%- set entities = expand('group.inside_area') %}
{%- set lights = entities | selectattr('domain', 'eq', 'light') | selectattr('state', 'eq', 'on') %}
{%- set levels = lights | map(attribute='attributes.brightness') | map('int') | list %}
{{- levels | average if levels else 0 }}
availability_template: >
{{- expand('group.inside_area') | selectattr('state','in',['unavailable','unknown']) | list | length == 0 }}
- service: script.zwave_multicast_group
group: group.inside_area
level: 255
- service: script.zwave_multicast_group
group: group.inside_area
level: 0
- service: script.zwave_multicast_group
group: group.inside_area
level: >
{{- brightness }}
In the end, you will have a single light entity that will behave like a light and all lights under it will respond extremely fast.
For the lazy
If you’re lazy like me and don’t feel like copy/pasting hundreds of group names, you can use the template editor with this template. List out your groups and copy the results into your light section of configuration.yaml.
{% set entities = 'group.inside_area', 'group.outside_area' %}
{% set groups = states.group | selectattr('entity_id', 'in', entities) | list %}
{% set fmat = """
### {1:^25} ###
unique_id: {0}
friendly_name: {1}
value_template: >
{{{{ is_state('group.{0}', 'on') }}}}
level_template: >
{{%- set entities = expand('group.{0}') %}}
{{%- set lights = entities | selectattr('domain', 'eq', 'light') | selectattr('state', 'eq', 'on') %}}
{{%- set levels = lights | map(attribute='attributes.brightness') | map('int') | list %}}
{{{{- levels | average if levels else 0 }}}}
availability_template: >
{{{{- expand('group.{0}') | selectattr('state','in',['unavailable','unknown']) | list | length == 0 }}}}
- service: script.zwave_multicast_group
group: group.{0}
level: 255
- service: script.zwave_multicast_group
group: group.{0}
level: 0
- service: script.zwave_multicast_group
group: group.{0}
level: >
{{{{- brightness }}}}
""" %}
- platform: template
{%- for group in groups %}
{{ fmat.format(group.object_id, group.name.replace('_',' ').title()) }}
{%- endfor %}