It would be a bug, but what you’re attempting to do is not possible anyways. You can’t set Central Scene scene values.
If you look further in the debug info you’ll see it’s a read-only value.
“readable”: true,
“writeable”: false,
"id": "39-91-0-scene-001",
"nodeId": 39,
"toUpdate": false,
"commandClass": 91,
"commandClassName": "Central Scene",
"endpoint": 0,
"property": "scene",
"propertyName": "scene",
"propertyKey": "001",
"propertyKeyName": "001",
"type": "number",
"readable": true,
"writeable": false,
"label": "Scene 001",
"stateless": false,
"commandClassVersion": 3,
"min": 0,
"max": 255,
"list": true,
"states": [
"text": "KeyPressed",
"value": 0
"text": "KeyReleased",
"value": 1
"text": "KeyHeldDown",
"value": 2
"text": "KeyPressed2x",
"value": 3
"text": "KeyPressed3x",
"value": 4
"text": "KeyPressed4x",
"value": 5
"text": "KeyPressed5x",
"value": 6
"lastUpdate": 1708996561193