ZWave-JS-UI Backup

I’m running my Z-Wave network in Z-WAVE-JS-UI and I accidentally torpedoed my zwave stick. I thought I had backups made by the Advanced menu on the stick
Advanced Actions>General Actions>Backup>Export for the nodes.json

I tried to restore my stick using that file and nothing happened. What did I do wrong? Can I backup/restore a Z-Wave network/stick to protect myself from myself again in the future?

I spent the entire day reprogramming my entire Z-Wave network and now have to do the same for all my scripts and automation that aren’t working.

That’s not a controller backup. Controller backups are done via NVM Management → Backup and Restore.


Thanks for the clarification. That said, I still have questions. Hope you don’t mind helping…

I had an NVM backup too. But it also did nothing. When I looked closer at the file, it was 0 bytes. I just made another backup of the new system using the NVM Management > Backup and Restore and it also was 0 bytes.

I now have the Backups setup for auto-backup, I don’t think I had that turned on before.

What are the store-backup files?

Do you happen to have an 800-series controller? Restores for 800-series aren’t supported in Z-Wave JS UI yet. Certain firmware versions produce 0-byte outputs. Newer versions can be backed up, but not restored yet.

I do. That must be the problem.

You can follow this issue for updates on the 800-series. 800 Series Z-Wave Controller Support Tracker · Issue #5257 · zwave-js/node-zwave-js · GitHub

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