ZWave-JS Zooz Zen37 800LR Wall Remote

A simple scene blueprint for the new Zooz Zen37 800LR battery powered wall remote. This device is part of the zooz “beta” release but can be purchased online.

Select a compatible device(see below) and add actions for whichever press/button desired.
Key pressed
Key pressed x2
Key pressed x3
Key pressed x4
Key pressed x5
Key held down
Key released

Additionally set the automation mode, which will default to ‘single’

Open your Home Assistant instance and show the blueprint import dialog with a specific blueprint pre-filled.

One thing to note, as of this post (1/20/2024) this device is not correctly recognized by zwavejs as the device configuration json is not yet added. I have written my own that is tested and working with Z-Wave JS UI Addon (version 3.2.1) but should work with others. In the addon you can navigate to the file browser (folder icon) and create a directory called “config” under the main folder “store”. Inside the config directory you can add the json file found here: Zen37-800LR zwavejs device definition · GitHub

The structure should look as followed: store/config/zen37lr.json. Restarting the addon should make the device be recognized correctly which is needed for the blueprint to properly find the available remotes.


Thanks for posting this. I was planning to make one this weekend, but things came up and I was going to have to put it off

Hello, thanks so much for creating this. But I am not using the UI addon, just the zwavejs one. Of course, my list of Zen37 devices is empty. I tried following your directions in the UI addon just in case it would update the zwavejs addon too, but it didn’t appear to work. What exactly do I need to do to get it to work with the non-UI zwavejs addon? Thanks again!


Thanks so much. Worked for me. I did have to copy the json file to the zwave js for the zen37 to be recognized.

Thanks for this. I was disappointed that there wasn’t a blueprint for this when I first bought the zen37. I set it up the long hard way. Just thought to look again after ordering a second one.
After adding the json file, it worked like a champ!

As Junior said, I would also like to get this added with just the official zwave js (no UI add-on). Anybody have any idea how to add the config? I’m assuming we have to convert this json file to XML, as it appears that is what the non-UI version uses for configs… just one big XML file for everything? Unless this is just a remnant from the pre zwave js days, but I can’t find any other config files for zwave, so I have to assume it’s this still. Guess I’ve got some digging to do…

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Fan-freaking-tastic! Thank you so much!

This worked great - thank you. In the add-on file browser, it appears that the “file upload” function always uploads the file to the store directory even when a subdirectory is selected so I had to manually create a file in the config directory and copy the json contents there. All working great!

I have a merge request open on zwave-js to add the config. We might have to tweak the blueprint once my MR goes in as the label is set to “ZEN37 800LR” to match the manual.


Looking forward to this being merged in!

I tried this out but it didn’t work for me. The event values aren’t being reported as KeyPressed, KeyHeld, KeyPressed2x, etc. They are just numbers and I had to modify the blueprint so the events would meet the conditions for triggering the automations. For anyone else that may be having the same issue, you can just change the conditions at the end of the blueprint…do not wrap the numbers in quotes.

KeyPressed = 0
KeyHeld = 1
KeyReleased = 2
KeyPressed2x = 3
KeyPressed3x = 4
KeyPressed4x = 5
KeyPressed5x = 6

Not sure if it’s something about how I loaded things into zwavejs or if it’s an issue with the remote I got, but switching out the event values made it work for me.

Ok, using Zwave JS (non-UI). I uploaded the json file in file editor and the path is homeassistant/store/config. I’ve restarted Zwave JS.

I still can’t see my Zen37 using the above blueprint. Can someone give me a little help? Is the path above correct? The post above doesn’t mention the parent folder being homeassistant but I don’t see how you can make a folder not under homeassistant.

I run zwave-js in docker and not addon. For this to work I had to change: settings > z-wave > “Config priority directory“ to /usr/src/app/store/config

I then had to change my docker volumes to match where the files were being stored on disk.

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Thanks for the tips @jscolp. I still don’t see how I can get this working with my setup though :smiley:

Has anyone gotten this to work with a bare metal/ supervised installation of Zwave JS?

The reason you can’t see your device using the blueprint is because of the selector section. Just delete the manufacturer info so that it will show all z-wave devices.

          integration: zwave_js
          manufacturer: Zooz
          model: ZEN37 LR
          multiple: false

          integration: zwave_js

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Nice! Thank you so much Cornell.

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I have trouble getting the automation blueprint to fine any of the remotes adopted on to the z-wave network, I got it working by changing “ZEN37 LR” to “ZEN37 800LR” under the “zen37lr:” declaration. I used file editor Add-on to make this change within the blueprint’s file.