Zwave Light Switch not responding in UI

Hello, I have a new HA setup and like most I am using an aeotec_zw090_zstick_gen5 on a PI to handle zwave.
I initially added a switch I had previously working with Lowes Iris and works perfectly. Then I added a GE 14294 Dimmer Smart Switch and I am having problems in the UI.

I can switch the light off, but the UI will show the light still on which is annoying. I also have an automation to turn the light on and off at certain time and it works, but the UI will show as it is on after turning it off.

My config is really simple shown below.

usb_path: /dev/ttyACM0
polling_interval: 30000

friendly_name: Kitchen Island
hidden: false
icon: mdi:lightbulb-outline
friendly_name: Front Door/Garage
hidden: false
icon: mdi:lightbulb-outline

Anything I am missing?

Also, if there is a way to disable the dimmer capability of the switch will be great. There is no point on having a dimmer there, but it was the only switch they had available when I went to the store.



You probably want to setup polling for that device (and any others that don’t have instant update):

    usb_path: /dev/ttyUSB0
    config_path: "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/python_openzwave/ozw_config"
    autoheal: true
    polling_interval: 10000

        polling_intensity: 1
        refresh_value: True
        delay: 3

Note that the settings @kylerw provided will poll the device every 10 seconds, which is below the 30 second minimum advised here. Polling too many devices to often can result in a less reliable Z-Wave mesh - if 10 seconds results in issues, increase the polling_interval until it’s stable.

Clearly it works for him, else he wouldn’t be posting it here, but your results may vary :wink:

I think the 10 second polling interval is a little too short. 60 seconds is the default I think. As you add devices, you may overwhelm the Zwave network. Before all devices have finished reporting, there will be a new poll.

What version of HA are you running, and what browser are you using? There was an issue in 0.51 with Safari where the UI didn’t reflect the change. That seems to be fixed in 0.51.2, or by using Chrome.

Only true if you poll a lot of devices. Polling a couple problem devices at 10 seconds isn’t a problem.

The trick is to not turn on polling for everything…

I added the following to the configs shown below, but did not fix the issue. Just in case, this is a PI 3 with the latest version of HA, upgraded firmware and all apt-get updates done.

One of the things I noticed is that when turning off the light the switch goes immediately back to on. I don’t know if this helps, but I also have these two lights in a group. When switching the individual light, the group light will also go on. then if I turn the light off, the physical light goes off, and so does the individual switch. The group switch stays on and a few seconds later the individual switch goes back to on while the physical light remains off.

Any way to enable debug in HA to see what is really going on?

usb_path: /dev/ttyACM0
polling_interval: 10000

friendly_name: Front Door/Garage
hidden: false
icon: mdi:lightbulb-outline
polling_intensity: 1
refresh_value: true
delay: 3

(Please see the blue box at the top for how to format configuration entries when you post them)

Your OZW_Log.txt file is the key one for working out what’s going on here.

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My ZWave devices are not updating in HA. If I go turn the switch on from the wall switch the UI does not update. However if I turn the switch on in from the UI it will turn on and the UI will update. I can’t figure this out because obviously they are hooked up and working but the switches won’t update if I turn them on/off from the wall switch. I am using 0.56.2… They used to work fine but have stopped working in the last couple of releases. Any ideas?

you didn’t tell us what Z Wave devices you have. Assuming you have the same setup, the solutions posted above still apply regardless of HA version. you will want to setup polling of the Z Wave devices. Even with polling, you may still see the entity state change back. I still occasionally experience the entity on the HA frontend briefly reverting state before being correct.

I have tried setting up the polling and still no luck. I have GE light switches (12722 On/Off Relay Switch)

I have GE Z Wave switches too (12727). This is my zwave: section of my configuration and my switches work just fine. Except for the brief blip as I described before.

  usb_path: /dev/ttyACM0
  network_key: !secret zwave_network_key
  polling_interval: 30000
  debug: true
  autoheal: false
      ignored: false
      polling_intensity: 1
      refresh_value: 1

it might be helpful if you also post your configuration, or at least tell us if there are any errors in your log that might point to what’s causing your issue.

Here is my config for zwave.yaml

usb_path: /dev/ttyACM9999
    polling_interval: 30000
        polling_intensity: 1
        refresh_value: 1
        polling_intensity: 1
        refresh_value: 1
        polling_intensity: 1
        refresh_value: 1
        polling_intensity: 1
        refresh_value: 1
        polling_intensity: 1
        refresh_value: 1

I am not seeing anything in the log that is causing this.

hmmm. Yep that all looks good. Just to rule out the silly/easy things… You restarted/reloaded your config after changes and or rebooted the host device? About the only other thing I can think of is the Z Wave network is taking commands, but not broadcasting updates which is why you can turn lights on/off but no statuses are refreshing. It sounds unlikely though. You may want to try a heal of the Z Wave network, but to be honest with you I’m throwing troubleshooting steps out just to tide you over until someone has another idea or fix for your issue. The heal can take a while to complete depending on how many nodes you have.

This just seems weird because I didn’t use to have to use polling. I have tried healing my network as well as stopping and restarting it. Nothing seems to be fixing it right now.

I’m having an issue with my GE 14294 dimmer where changing the brightness from the UI doesn’t work properly. In the logs, it appears to work and the UI will update to show the new brightness, but the light won’t actually change until I either turn it off or change the brightness manually at the switch. When I do either of those, it’ll briefly flash to whatever brightness I had set in the UI before turning off or increasing/decreasing the brightness.

I have set up polling and on/off works fine, as well as changing the brightness from the actual switch. It’s just brightness from the UI that doesn’t seem to work. Any ideas?

Its definitely something to do with the time it takes for it to gradually turn off when at full brightness and the brightness control itself. Barely have the brightness up it will register correctly. It also switches my light instantly. At full brightness it doesnt register the correct state when i turn it back on, and it turns off gradually and i need to double click the toggle for it to turn on again. If using the brightness control only then it seems to be more consistent.