Well, I finished the conversion yesterday and got my automations and lovelace dashboards completely straightened out this morning.
A couple of things to note for those trying this in the future. If you have zwave devices setup and are controlling them via an MQTT integration and are not going to use MQTT moving forward (this is what I had and I had manually created all my MQTT yaml configurations) you need to remember to either comment out or delete those from your configuration file/files.
Because I was running this in parallel with Homeseer and you can’t have two controllers (zwave stick) with the same device, I would remove a node from Homeseer then add the node in Zwave.JS/Home Assistant. For the last couple of devices they were too far away from the controller to remove the nodes in Homeseer. So I just shut Homeseer down and went to add them to Home Assistant. They wouldn’t include until I excluded them first (even though they have never been included in this particular controller).
Everything seems to be reacting/controlling just fine now. I am happy with the results. With that said I have 3 issues left.
1.) I have (3) Jasco switches that won’t update the UI when they are manually operated at the switch. They update correctly when controlled by Home Assistant both in the UI and with automations. I was told that it was because they were probably older “classic” zwave devices and not zwave plus. If you look them up they are zwave plus and according to the Homeseer implementation they provide instant status updates. They don’t in Home Assistant. I had to setup polling which isn’t very instant I have emailed Jasco support but have not received a response. At some point in the future I will probably change these to TP-Link Kasa WiFi switches.
2.) I have a Trane XR524 Thermostat. Everything seems to be working as it should with one exception. In the UI it reports the current temperature in Centigrade rather than Fahrenheit even though all other figures displayed are correct and in Fahrenheit. If anyone has a suggestion on how to fix this I am all ears. You can see a pic of what I am speaking about in one of my previous posts in this topic.
3.) I have several Homeseer brand WS-100, WS-200, and WD-200 switches and dimmers. They report to Zwave.JS that they are “scene capable”. Yet there is no entity created to control. In Homeseer it created a separate device (entity) and you had I think 6 combinations. 1 tap up turns the switch on, 2 taps up and 3 taps up could each trigger automations. 1 tap down turns the switch off, 2 taps down and 3 taps down each could also trigger automations. This was a really useful feature. I hope the developers are working on a way to make this available in Zwave.JS. I will miss it until they do.
So the steps I followed after I had ZWave.JS installed are:
Open both Homeseer and Home Assistant in separage browser windows.
In Homeseer find the device your going to move (I worked nearest to controller to farthest from controller) and exclude the node from Homeseer.
In Home Assistant go to your configuration file and comment out the device’s configuration. Save the file.
Go to Configuration, Server Controls, and re-load “manually created MQTT yaml”.
Go to Configuration, Entities, filter on MQTT, and delete the entities you just commented out. If you want the new entities to be the same name as the old entities then make note of them before you delete them.
Go to Configuration, Integrations, Zwave JS and click configure. Then click add node and decide whether it will be “secure” or not and click start. Go to the device and do as the mfg suggests to put it in inclusion mode.
If it completes without error in the dialog click view device and then close.
On the device page rename the device at the top of the page, I let it rename all the entities. Even after it renames the entities you may want to edit the entity names.
If you kept your entity names the same as they were before then your lovelace dashboards, your automations, and your scripts/scenes should be fine. If not you will need to edit them all for it to display and work correctly.
I was beginning to run into issues with Homeseer not updating the MQTT topics correctly. So this excercise is well worth it. The additional benefit is that I don’t have to keep 2 separate systems updated and Homeseer costs money and Home Assistant does not. Homeseer is designed to run in Windows and not as a service, so you had Windows issues to deal with also. I like my Home Assistant on my RP4.
If anyone has any questions regarding the new Zwave.JS implementation it is pretty good. I am sure as time goes on it will get even better. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend someone install and use this for Zwave devices in Home Assistant.
Regards and thanks to all who responded to this post and provided input, I greatly appreciate it.