… as Xiaomi sensors?
Also state is named differently, wish to have the same for all motion sensor, if possible
… as Xiaomi sensors?
Also state is named differently, wish to have the same for all motion sensor, if possible
Configuration -> Customization
I found the setting, but don’t understand how to override.
For example o go to “Pick an item to override”, i choose Icon, and then do not understand what to do
Go there and pick the icon you want, then in the icon field type mdi:(icon name here)
Thank you, will do
Hello, when I ovveride an icon to change the “man” into a circle. how is this circle then changing color when tripped?
e.g. I have most sensors like the rounds and when tripped it shows the bottom icon:
I would like to also change that man to a circle that also changes when tripped. How can I achieve that?
I wonder if this will help? https://www.home-assistant.io/docs/z-wave/device-specific/#motion-or-alarm-sensors
If not, I would try overriding the device_class of the sensor in zwave_device_config.yaml - but I’m not sure what the class should be. I haven’t used motion sensors, though, so take my advice with a large grain of salt.
You need to change the device_class by customizing your entity:
Here you can use device_class: motion
Or device_class: presence
Yes! That is the place but “moving” is the circle. Thank you sir!