Zwave neighbor values don't make sense

Hi all:

Just starting to play with zwave devices here and I’m pretty confused about what is going on. I have two thermostats on batteries, a ZW Plus switch connected to mains and a battery powered door lock. The two thermostats are on the main and top floors of the house and are in “view” of the controller in the basement. The light is near the main floor thermostat and the door lock is supposed to be all the way at the side of the house, probably only in view of the porch light switch. The neighbor values are as follows:

Node1: Controller (Aeotech Gen 5): 4,5,7
Node4: DownstairsThermostat (ct101): 1,5,6,7
Node5: Upstairs Thermostat(ct101): 1,4,6,7
Node6: Porch light switch (HS-100): 4,5,7
Node7: Lock (Kiwckset): 1,4,5,6 (at inclusion)

The Porch light works, but the lock does not work once moved to it’s final location.

I have 2 questions:

  1. I thought only devices with external power could route. Since the porch light does not have a direct path to the controller, how is it working? Do the battery-powered thermostats act as routers even though they are on battery? How can I tell? Or is 1 (the controller) not listed because it’s a zwave plus device?

  2. If I’m able to route to 6, how come I can’t route to the lock after moving to it’s final location? I try to heal the network but the controller does not drop node 7 from it’s neighbor list. I even tried placing it in such a way that that the porch light should be able to route to it without the controller directly routing to it, but it doesn’t work. How can I debug this?

Any help or ideas would be appreciated. Thanks!


Below is a dump of the full node info if it helps:

Node 1 (Controller):

averageRequestRTT: 0
averageResponseRTT: 0
capabilities: primaryController,beaming,listening
friendly_name: Aeotec ZW090 Z-Stick Gen5 US
is_awake: true
is_failed: false
is_info_received: true
is_ready: true
is_zwave_plus: false
lastRequestRTT: 0
lastResponseRTT: 0
manufacturer_name: Aeotec
max_baud_rate: 40000
neighbors: 4,5,7
new_entity_id: zwave.aeotec_zw090_zstick_gen5_us
node_id: 1
node_name: Aeotec ZW090 Z-Stick Gen5 US
old_entity_id: zwave.aeotec_zw090_zstick_gen5_us_1
product_name: ZW090 Z-Stick Gen5 US
query_stage: Complete
receivedCnt: 0
receivedDups: 0
receivedTS: 2018-01-24 09:02:24:169
receivedUnsolicited: 0
retries: 0
sentCnt: 1
sentFailed: 0
sentTS: 2018-01-24 09:02:24:536

Node 4: Downstairs Thermostat

averageRequestRTT: 1171
averageResponseRTT: 162
battery_level: 49
capabilities: frequent,beaming,routing
friendly_name: Downstairs Thermostat
is_awake: true
is_failed: false
is_info_received: true
is_ready: true
is_zwave_plus: false
lastRequestRTT: 1155
lastResponseRTT: 121
manufacturer_name: 2GIG Technologies
max_baud_rate: 40000
neighbors: 1,5,6,7
new_entity_id: zwave.downstairs_thermostat
node_id: 4
node_name: Downstairs Thermostat
old_entity_id: zwave.downstairs_thermostat_4
product_name: CT101 Thermostat (Iris)
query_stage: Complete
receivedCnt: 15
receivedDups: 0
receivedTS: 2018-01-24 10:01:26:981
receivedUnsolicited: 2
retries: 0
sentCnt: 29
sentFailed: 0
sentTS: 2018-01-24 09:48:07:399

Node 5: Upstairs Thermostat

averageRequestRTT: 1102
averageResponseRTT: 238
battery_level: 42
capabilities: frequent,beaming,routing
friendly_name: Upstairs Thermostat
is_awake: true
is_failed: false
is_info_received: true
is_ready: true
is_zwave_plus: false
lastRequestRTT: 1156
lastResponseRTT: 103
manufacturer_name: 2GIG Technologies
max_baud_rate: 40000
neighbors: 1,4,6,7
new_entity_id: zwave.upstairs_thermostat
node_id: 5
node_name: Upstairs Thermostat
old_entity_id: zwave.upstairs_thermostat_5
product_name: CT101 Thermostat (Iris)
query_stage: Complete
receivedCnt: 21
receivedDups: 0
receivedTS: 2018-01-24 09:29:44:987
receivedUnsolicited: 2
retries: 0
sentCnt: 29
sentFailed: 0
sentTS: 2018-01-24 09:48:08:556

Node6: Porch Light

averageRequestRTT: 126
averageResponseRTT: 186
capabilities: listening,beaming,routing
friendly_name: porch_light
is_awake: true
is_failed: false
is_info_received: true
is_ready: true
is_zwave_plus: true
lastRequestRTT: 136
lastResponseRTT: 223
manufacturer_name: Z Wave Products Inc.
max_baud_rate: 40000
neighbors: 4,5,7
new_entity_id: zwave.porch_light
node_id: 6
node_name: porch_light
old_entity_id: zwave.porch_light_6
product_name: Unknown: type=4447, id=3033
query_stage: Complete
receivedCnt: 6
receivedDups: 2
receivedTS: 2018-01-24 09:03:07:092
receivedUnsolicited: 0
retries: 0
sentCnt: 24
sentFailed: 0
sentTS: 2018-01-24 09:48:09:713


averageRequestRTT: 1202
averageResponseRTT: 1124
battery_level: 40
capabilities: frequent,beaming,routing
friendly_name: Side Door Lock
is_awake: true
is_failed: false
is_info_received: true
is_ready: true
is_zwave_plus: false
lastRequestRTT: 1401
lastResponseRTT: 1426
manufacturer_name: Kwikset
max_baud_rate: 40000
neighbors: 1,4,5,6
new_entity_id: zwave.side_door_lock
node_id: 7
node_name: Side Door Lock
old_entity_id: zwave.side_door_lock_7
product_name: Touchpad Electronic Deadbolt
query_stage: Complete
receivedCnt: 18
receivedDups: 0
receivedTS: 2018-01-24 10:27:01:852
receivedUnsolicited: 0
retries: 0
sentCnt: 70
sentFailed: 29
sentTS: 2018-01-24 10:27:00:425