Zwave on OSX not installing

Can’t get zwave to work on OSX after most recent update. Getting the following error on startup:

2018-09-29 12:14:46 ERROR (SyncWorker_2) [homeassistant.util.package] Unable to install package python_openzwave==0.4.9: Command “/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/bin/python3.6 -u -c “import setuptools, tokenize;file=’/private/var/folders/f7/7w7zmyfs4d3g7bcbt68x3pp40000gn/T/pip-install-y5znrrd5/python-openzwave/’;f=getattr(tokenize, ‘open’, open)(file);’\r\n’, ‘\n’);f.close();exec(compile(code, file, ‘exec’))” install --record /private/var/folders/f7/7w7zmyfs4d3g7bcbt68x3pp40000gn/T/pip-record-lyl38qzo/install-record.txt --single-version-externally-managed --prefix --compile --user --prefix=” failed with error code 1 in /private/var/folders/f7/7w7zmyfs4d3g7bcbt68x3pp40000gn/T/pip-install-y5znrrd5/python-openzwave/

2018-09-29 12:14:46 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.requirements] Not initializing zwave because could not install requirement python_openzwave==0.4.9

2018-09-29 12:14:46 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup failed for zwave: Could not install all requirements.

Manual attempt at upgrading openzwave gives error:

clang: error: no such file or directory: 'openzwave-embed/open-zwave-master/libopenzwave.a'
clang: warning: libstdc++ is deprecated; move to libc++ with a minimum deployment target of OS X 10.9 [-Wdeprecated]
clang: warning: libstdc++ is deprecated; move to libc++ with a minimum deployment target of OS X 10.9 [-Wdeprecated]
error: command '/usr/bin/clang++' failed with exit status 1

The actual build error is this:

  Build openzwave ... be patient ...
  b'In file included from /private/tmp/pip-install-8z1l8jm4/python-openzwave/openzwave-embed/open-zwave-master/cpp/src/value_classes/ValueBool.cpp:29:\n'
  b'In file included from /private/tmp/pip-install-8z1l8jm4/python-openzwave/openzwave-embed/open-zwave-master/cpp/src/value_classes/ValueBool.cpp:29:\n'

  b"/private/tmp/pip-install-8z1l8jm4/python-openzwave/openzwave-embed/open-zwave-master/cpp/src/value_classes/ValueBool.h:66:8: error: private field 'm_newValue' is not used [-Werror,-Wunused-private-field]\n"
  b"/private/tmp/pip-install-8z1l8jm4/python-openzwave/openzwave-embed/open-zwave-master/cpp/src/value_classes/ValueBool.h:66:8: error: private field 'm_newValue' is not used [-Werror,-Wunused-private-field]\n"

  b'                bool    m_newValue;                             // a new value to be set on the appropriate device\n'
  b'                bool    m_newValue;                             // a new value to be set on the appropriate device\n'

Looks like something is promoting a Clang warning to an errors then the build is failing.

The response to a similar question here nearly works, although it got mangled by “smart” punctuation, and it installs python-openzwave 0.4.11, which is not the version Home Assistant currently wants.

Anyway, here’s a cleaned-up version that worked for me:

pip install cython wheel
pip install python_openzwave==0.4.9 --no-deps --install-option="--flavor=git"

Anyone else having issue upgrading to 0.82.0?

When I updated my HA from 0.81.6 to 0.82.0, it breaks my z-wave as it is not able to install homeassistant-pyozw. I am getting the following error. I was running on python-openzwave 0.4.10 prior to the upgrade.

Command "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/bin/python3.6 -u -c "import setuptools, tokenize;__file__='/private/tmp/pip-install-qfccbd5r/homeassistant-pyozw/';f=getattr(tokenize, 'open', open)(__file__);'\r\n', '\n');f.close();exec(compile(code, __file__, 'exec'))" install --record /private/tmp/pip-record-2htvt4o5/install-record.txt --single-version-externally-managed --compile" failed with error code 1 in /private/tmp/pip-install-qfccbd5r/homeassistant-pyozw/