I have Aeotec Z-stick Gen5 and a Fibaro Motion Sensor in the zwave network so far.
I have options.xml in the same folder as the zwcfg_xxx.xml (/config). I’m using docker.
After installing 0.41 I noticed that, for both, it is saying “is zwave plus - false”.
how can I enable zwave plus (both devices are capable)
can a zwave device route zwave plus? (I will have multiple zwave light switches (powered) and multiple zwave plus motion sensors (battery only)
There should be no need to activate it, its something the device simply offers.
HA 0.41 also reports my Z-Stick to be “zwave plus: false” yet it is according to the technical specifications.
Other devices that are plus,are showing up as such though.
From what I have read Z-Wave Plus only has a benefit if all devices in your network are plus.
Because it’s a mesh network non-plus devices cannot relay for plus-nodes (which will likely fall back to non-plus as a result?).
It could potentially still work if the node has a direct connection possible with the controller. The majority of my nodes are still non-plus, the plus one’s are “added securely” via OZWCP so I assume it uses Z-Wave plus with a direct connection to the controller (since the distance isn’t too far).
Yeah, I’m seeing it replace my Razberry Z-Wave+ controller as non-plus. Some of the devices were securely added, some weren’t, and a couple of them aren’t Z-Wave+ devices.
My own reading suggests that the presence of some non plus devices isn’t a problem.
I seem to have an issue here, too. All of my devices support z-wave plus according to the manufacturers. Also when starting hass.io, I get the massage:
Info, Setting Up Provided Network Key for Secure Communications
Yet, hass.io says in dev-options, that my z-wave usb controller Me ZME_UZB1 is z-wave plus fase and also the same for some of my fibaro devices. So is there a way to check if secure communication is active and how can I enable it for all devices?
It’s normal for the controller to show up as non-Plus - that one you can ignore. If your other devices are reporting as non-Plus, then they are non-Plus.
As for secure communication - that is device specific and requires that:
Z-Wave plus doesn’t mean that encryption is in place - devices can still it, or not, regardless of whether they’re Plus or non-Plus. You need to check whether the device supports it before you try adding it. Once added you can check the attributes to see if it reports as being secured.