Zwave renaming

I have found a ton of history on the forums about people renaming zwave nodes and their entities.

I am having the same problem. Except I can rename them. I just can find where to rename the one that actually matters.

I can rename the root node device and I can rename the entities underneath that, but no matter where I rename it, when I go to select them to use them in automations I still have no way to uniquely identify them.

For example, I have a few zooz motion detectors. I have renamed the roots of all them in the format of:

The entities under that, specifically the binary switch and the burglar entity have all been renamed:

But when I go into automation and look under triggers, they are all listed by the default device name just as Zooz ZSE 18 Motion Sensor. I’m very early in setting this up so it isn’t that big of a pain, but once I get further in, this will be a major headache…

How do I rename them in a way that they are identifiable when creating automations and using them as triggers?

When you refer to “root device” are you talking about renaming the Device friendly name (Control Panel -> Devices), or are you talking about the zwave entity?

The highest level zwave “device” or Node is what I’m talking about by root device. Everything below that are entities of the device right?

For example, if I go into configuration/z-wave and click my drop down for Nodes, I see what I have renamed as Znode-MotionKitchen.

If I click on "entities of this node, I still see the default naming of “sensor.zooz_zse18…”

But if I go into configuration/devices, I see zooz ZSE18 Motion Sensor and if I go in there I see my renamed sensors as Motion-Kitchen and Motion-KitchenBurglar.

When I go into configuration/automations and look at triggers, all I can see in the device list are the zooz ZSE18. I can’t get that root device renamed to where it is “at a glance” identifiable.

If i understand it correctly (Too lazy to read all, sorry) :laughing:
Try Developer Tools->Services->ZWave.rename_node

Here, you can rename the node as well as all of its sub entities with only one command. Don’t forget to set update_ids to true for renaming sub entities.

PS: This way, it adds _level or _switch or etc. at the end of the entity names automatically, so that you can differentiate…

zwave.my_node is an entity, not a “Device”. HA has its own terminology for a “Device”. You need to change the friendly name of the Device via Control Panel -> Devices. The Device trigger is using the friendly name of a device.

If you have advanced mode enabled in your profile, renaming the Device will prompt you to rename all of the child entities. Since you’ve already rename the entities, that part won’t work. Consider using it in the future.

You need to rename the entities as well. In your example, “Motion-Kitchen”, you’ll want to rename the “binary_sensor.XXXX” to what you want it to be.

For example, my Front Door Sensor has “zwave.front_door_sensor”, “binary_sensor.front_door_sensor” and other entities I don’t care about. The Friendly Name is just that, a friendly name. Hass uses the “entity” in automations and such.

Check out Customizing entities doc on the main site.

I think I’ve already done that.

You can see the friendly name showing up. But yet when I try to find it in automation/triggers, it shows up using the whole long default name.

I have to choose a device, then browse the entities to make sure I have the right one. The entities DO show the friendly name, but not the device.Selection_099

That Zooz ZSE18 motion sensor in the above picture also has been given a friendly name.

You’re showing the friendly name of the entity, not the device. Again, they are different.

Control Panel -> Devices -> DEVICE. Click the upper right cog to change the device’s friendly name.

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When you add a z-wave device (node) you name not only the node with BOTH an entity_id and also a unique friendly name - BUT you also do it for all entities under it aswell. (Check in the Z-Wave Manager for ‘entities of this node’ )
For example ALL my fibaro dimmer switches are named under the following convention : -

Light ZZm

Light ZZm

Null Light ZZm Sw2

Null Light ZZm Alarm Level

Null Light ZZm Alarm Type

Light ZZm Energy

Null Light ZZm Exporting

Null Light ZZm Heat

Null Light ZZm Power2

Light ZZm Power

Light ZZm Voltage

Null Light ZZm SrcNdID

Null Light ZZm System

So after the addition I edit the above file renaming XXm to (say) bed3 and ZZm to (say) Bed Room 3.
Then cut and paste the values to the relevant names. (then I throw the edits away and start again on the next one)

The capitals in the device id are to prevent me saving without having changed it (it doesn’t like caps)
Then you get to use whatever entities wherever.
The “NULL” Items are ones I don’t currently use or am not interested in.

So the above list is all the entities of that device.

  1. entity as added (say)
  2. entity as edited (substitute XXm)
  3. Friendly Name (substitute ZZm)

That was it. That was the part that I wasn’t finding. Thanks!