Recently installed Home Assistant and got ZWave JS set up using an Aeotec Z-Stick 7. I only have one Z-Wave device: an Aeotec Multisensor 6.
My problem is that I’m only getting updates for e.g. illuminance once per hour.
This same sensor was previously connected to a Samsung Smart Things hub (which was integrated with home assistant) and it was updating as expected (every 100 lux).
I’m new to Home Assistant and have only a basic understanding of Z-Wave. Any recommendations on what sorts of things could cause this issue?
Temperature is part of group 1, so the automatic report interval (seconds) for group 1 should control its frequency.
Note the Aeotec behaves differently when on external power v. battery. It will automatically throttle the reports on battery power.
if you need more info on the device - the aeotec manuals are here: Multisensor 6 user guide : Aeotec Help Desk (
Scroll to the bottom of the page and pull the PDF for the version of firmware yours is running. It has the reference info for all of those parameters.
Home Assistant assumes a lot of things. The biggest is whatever your ZWave integration tells it is gospel truth. It has no option to do anything else.
Whereas ST controls the ZWave and Zigbee integration inside the same code as the core. They also try to abstract the nuances of both zigbee and ZWave from the end user and they also take some liberties and play fast and loose with the protocol.
All that to say just because ST did it one way do not fall into the trap of that’s how it works. The default behavior between platforms can sometimes be wildly different.
Wow. Ok yeah if you read through the detailed specs on Aeotec’s website, it clearly states that the default update time is 1 hour. Also, updating based on threshold is disabled by default.
It seems Smart Things was papering over things a bit and Home Assistant faithfully followed the spec’s of the device.
Thanks again for your insight @NathanCu and for teaching me to fish here.