Zwave Troubles

Good Morning,

I am working on adding a few zwave components and I have gone through the Raspi Zwave installation documentation. But when I reboot the Pi and refresh the URL the Zwave nor the Sensor I have linked are showing up. Has anyone seen this before and how they got it working?


Hi Joël, same for me. I have a raspi with aeon gen 5 stick and i dont know how to add a zwave device ans find it on the interface.


I had similar challenges…this is what I ended up doing

Others have listed challenges in removing the USB stick while the Pi is running. I have had good success with stopping home-assistant, removing the stick to add a device, and then reinsert the usb stick and then starting the services back up. No reboot required.

One interseting thing, I have 2 Ecolink motion sensors and each sensor shows up as four items in the web interface.


You will also see a lot of this info in the ./homeassistant/zwcfg_*.xml file. I edited this file to add a more meaninful name and location.
Tip - If you want to edit the file, Home Assistant HAS to be stopped before you open the file for editing.

[quote=“dap35”]I had similar challenges…this is what I ended up doing

Others have listed challenges in removing the USB stick while the Pi is running. I have had good success with stopping home-assistant, removing the stick to add a device, and then reinsert the usb stick and then starting the services back up. No reboot required.

One interseting thing, I have 2 Ecolink motion sensors and each sensor shows up as four items in the web interface.


You will also see a lot of this info in the ./homeassistant/zwcfg_*.xml file. I edited this file to add a more meaninful name and location.
Tip - If you want to edit the file, Home Assistant HAS to be stopped before you open the file for editing.[/quote]

I’ve tried copying the directory fix you suggested. HASS is still not seeing the Zwave USB. I’ve reboot the RasPi and HASS. I’m not sure if I just don’t have something setup properly (user error) which is the direction I’m leaning or if it’s a bad Zwave USB.

If you have a laptop or PC running Windows, you could install inControl HA and verify that the adapter is working. (

I was finally able to get the Zwave working. It all had to do with formatting. I am use to coding in SQL where tabs and spaces do not matter. In YAML, they do!

I struggle with that as well. I have been leveraging one of the online syntax sites :==>

I stumbled across this thread because I have the same thing…EcoLink motion sensors, and 4 entries per device.

Why are there four entries? Which one should I be using if I want to trigger events based on motion?

Please use small words…I am just in my first baby steps with HA (I’m a SmartThings refugee) and I’m doing a trial run with just one room, a couple lights, and this motion sensor. So far I have my two lights in the HA UI, and that’s it.

I am using binary_sensor.basement_motion_sensor_5 , where 5 is the device ID.
I have renamed them a bit, but look for the binary_sensor.xxxxx_motion_sensor_ entries.