ZWAVE2MQTT add-on simple tutorial(addon is DEPRECATED)

Ok… educate me Why Do I need ZWaveMQTT Vs just normal Zwave functionality

You don’t need it. The addons don’t restart when you restart Hass. That is the main benefit of running zwave2mqtt your zwave doesn’t restart when Hass does. You get zwave mesh stability. With integration mesh restarts with Hass.

Hey thanks…

I have noticed that when I bounce HA that my ZWave devices get a bit flaky… some dont come back for a bit… and loose functionality

Question… But when you bounce… MQTT stops and starts… which will momentarily affect “functionality” (no MQTT messages being routed)… but not the Zwave network connectivity… correct?

I have Zwave2MQTT running on an RPI and pubish against Mosquitto.
I had HASS 0.98 and it was automatically added to HomeAssistant (Fibaro Roller Shutter 3).

I updated to 99.2 and my 2 Roller Shutter were not able to get discovered again.

configuration.yaml as following

# Configure a default setup of Home Assistant (frontend, api, etc)

# Uncomment this if you are using SSL/TLS, running in Docker container, etc.
# http:
#   base_url:

# Text to speech
  - platform: google_translate

group: !include groups.yaml
automation: !include automations.yaml
script: !include scripts.yaml

  discovery: true
  broker: a0d7b954-mqtt
    topic: 'hass/status'
    payload: 'online'
    topic: 'hass/status'
    payload: 'offline'

Zwave2MQTT config is as above.

In the logs of Mosquitto I can see that HASS is connecting as client as well as Zwave2Mqtt.

Any idea?


Does anyone know if in the settings section of ZWAVE2MQTT something should appear?
This was always empty for me, even during the time where the RollerShutter appeared by autodiscovery in home assistant… (so before I updated)


Issue solved:
The following must match between Zwave2MQTT Gateway Prefix and HASS configuration.yaml

(Zwave2MQTT-Gateway-Settings): hasszwave
(HASS) discovery_prefix: hasszwave

On 11. how do you suggest we go about doing that. Is it something quick in the core.device registry or something? I’d definitely think this would be possible.

I have the same issue, the devices are discovered as unknown in the ZWave2MQTT interface and not imported as the correct device / model / manufacturer. Did you manage to solve this?

What devices do you have?

It’s possible that openzwave on your Z2M doesn’t describe the Vendor/product that you have; if you can tell me what you have, I may be able to tell you whether z2m has it, and if not, I may be able to repeat the extension of the config that I did to get my very new Inovelli devices detected

I just have a stupid question, I installed zwave2mqtt through the Hassio addon, when I access the zwave2mqtt:8091, it ask me for user/password, where can I set these username and password. I only able to access with disable the Authentication:

  "leave_front_door_open": true,

I have the same issue with devices coming up as unknown.

The bit circled in the image is the name I added just so i dont forget what is what.

Devices I am using are as follows:

  • Aeotec Z-Stick Gen5
  • Aeotec Multisensor 6
  • Aeotec Nano Switch

Does any one have any ideas as to how to get the correct entity information to show up?

Loving the addon though as it allows me to completely split brain my Z-Wave network away from main HASS install, into a separate unit (Rpi) outside of my Intel NUC and put it somewhere more central in the house, do this already with the zigbee2mqtt add-on and it works really well.

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I have everything showing as unknown with my ZMEEUZB1, after i installed zme application and made a firmware for it.

I had to reset the dongle from the zme application and delete the z2m addon and install everything again, then everything work ok.

@megatrooooon so are you using the Z-Wave which comes pre-bundled with native HASS/Home Assistant and no longer using the z2m add-on?

Or have you re-installed the z2m add-on as well?

My example above is my doing a fresh build

I am using now only ZWave2MQTT only… so what I did, I just deleted the addon and reinstall it again. also I exclude all the sensor before that…

Noted that, even when all devices were showing unknown on ZWave2MQTT, they were still work fine…

I have a question regarding ZWave2MQTT, when I installed the addons, it asked for username/password, where can I set that, I only able to access ZWave2MQTT after disabling the authentication, which isn’t ideal

"leave_front_door_open": true 

Hmm odd, im still not getting any device information.

And yes to confirm they all work fine, its just annoying not getting the full hardware information to help identify what it is.

With reference to the username/password. I wouldn’t disable the authentication.

You don’t need to set any username and password as it uses the account defined by the HASS user list. So just login with your normal Home assistant account when you access the GUI for ZWave2MQTT

Thanks nickcj … I didn’t expect to use the same password for home assistant.

Have the same issue as many others here. I removed all my zwave settings from the config. Even alle created files in my config directory. In stalled z-wave2qtt and set it up as described. All devices showed up and was able to control them.

However, for some reason the devices never show up in HomeAssistant. I do however see all the devices in MQTT. So that is all working just fine.

Has anyone here figured out yet, how to get all devices to show up in HomeAssistant?

My setup: Pi 3b+ with raspbian. Docker with home assistant, supervisor etc.

In the zwave2mqtt control panel settings, under gateway, do you have “Hass Discovery” setting on?

Yes, followed the topic start guide. Turned it on. Going to give it a new try later today. Perhaps i made a different kind of mistake.

Maybe you have an error in your MQTT setup.

I have no issues with zigbee2mqtt. That runs just fine. So that is all ok. It’s just zwave2mqtt giving issues. Although I see all devices with MQTT explorer. So, I guess the problem is, is that the entities are not added to Hass.

Ok, found my problem. I did not use the topic prefix homeassistant. I used zwave2mqtt as topic prefix. That doesn’t seem to work.

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