Hi Community,
I just tried to add a Jasco Dimmer and it was detected, but threw a warning about the device not responding to the security model. It added and was working, but after a restart, the device disappeared from HA. I went to try an exclude it, but nothing happens. I decided to try adding it again and now it doesn’t find any devices. In fact, it won’t find any device. The Zwave network is still functioning, but when I go to the configuration page, it says “ZWave JS is searching for devices”. Clicking on stop doesn’t do anything. It seems that I cannot include or exclude anything. I’ve tried restarts. When I click on stop searching, I see this in the logs:
Subscribed to Z-Wave JS Log Messages…
2022-06-13T18:09:24.072Z CNTRLR stopping exclusion process…
2022-06-13T18:09:24.089Z DRIVER » [REQ] [RemoveNodeFromNetwork]
payload: 0xc57a
2022-06-13T18:09:36.814Z CNTRLR stopping exclusion process…
2022-06-13T18:09:37.482Z CNTRLR stopping exclusion process…
Does anyone have a suggestion?