ZwaveJS2MQTT - Group on/off control no longer works (and only for ONE switch!)

Hi everyone.
I have a group set up in ZwaveJS2MQTT (in Home Assistant) that used to work. When my garage lights turned on, another light in my basement turned on.

It worked great for months…and now, for some reason, it no longer works…and it seems to be ONLY the “Door to Garage (Basement)” switch. If I associate the garage lights to any other switch, the on/off control works fine.

I’ve attached a screenshot of the setup. I have excluded and reincluded the switch, and still nothing. It also has the same firmware that other switches have that have no issues.

Has anyone experienced this before, and have any ideas?

OK…it works now…

The problem is, the controlled light does not show up as ‘on’ in lovelace. Anyone out there know why?


Z-wave2MQTT control panel also doesn’t show the triggered light turning on or off, so it’s must not be feeding into HA.

The association works physically…one light on/off indeed controls the other…but the software isn’t showing it.