ZWaveJS2MQTT inclusion failed

I switched from Domoticz (RPI3) to HomeAssistant (RPI4, docker container) and had to migrate the ZWave network to the new system. I am running a ZWave2MQTT and a Mosquitto docker image. The nodes showed up in the interface, but after some problems I decided to reset the ZWave dongle and start from scratch. However, including nodes isn’t working. Does anybody know what could be wrong or how I can search for the cause of this issue? This is what the logs tell me:

2022-11-11T07:00:42.116Z SERIAL « 0x0107004a15020000a5 (9 bytes)
2022-11-11T07:00:42.121Z SERIAL » [ACK] (0x06)
2022-11-11T07:00:42.126Z DRIVER « [REQ] [AddNodeToNetwork]
status: NodeFound
callback id: 21
2022-11-11T07:00:42.131Z DRIVER handling request AddNodeToNetwork (74)
2022-11-11T07:00:42.132Z DRIVER 1 handler registered!
2022-11-11T07:00:42.132Z DRIVER invoking handler #0
2022-11-11T07:00:42.133Z CNTRLR handling add node request (status = NodeFound)
2022-11-11T07:00:49.205Z SERIAL « 0x0107004a15070000a0 (9 bytes)
2022-11-11T07:00:49.208Z SERIAL » [ACK] (0x06)
2022-11-11T07:00:49.212Z DRIVER « [REQ] [AddNodeToNetwork]
status: Failed
callback id: 21
2022-11-11T07:00:49.216Z DRIVER handling request AddNodeToNetwork (74)
2022-11-11T07:00:49.217Z DRIVER 1 handler registered!
2022-11-11T07:00:49.217Z DRIVER invoking handler #0
2022-11-11T07:00:49.218Z CNTRLR handling add node request (status = Failed)
2022-11-11T07:00:49.219Z CNTRLR Adding the node failed
2022-11-11 07:00:49.220 INFO Z-WAVE: Controller status: Inclusion failed
2022-11-11T07:00:49.221Z CNTRLR stopping inclusion process...
2022-11-11T07:00:49.247Z SERIAL » 0x0105004ac51663 (7 bytes)
2022-11-11T07:00:49.249Z DRIVER » [REQ] [AddNodeToNetwork]
action: Stop
high power: true
network wide: true
callback id: 22
2022-11-11T07:00:49.257Z SERIAL « [ACK] (0x06)
2022-11-11T07:00:49.300Z SERIAL « 0x0107004a16060000a2 (9 bytes)
2022-11-11T07:00:49.302Z SERIAL » [ACK] (0x06)
2022-11-11T07:00:49.303Z DRIVER « [REQ] [AddNodeToNetwork]
status: Done
callback id: 22
2022-11-11T07:00:49.310Z CNTRLR The inclusion process was stopped
2022-11-11 07:00:49.311 INFO Z-WAVE: Controller status: Inclusion stopped

By factoring resetting your controller, you have a new network (home ID). You need to manually exclude, or factory reset, all of the devices. The devices are still part of the old network.

I performed a reset on some of the devices, for example a Heatit Z-Push Button 8 before I added it to the new network. However, the inclusion still fails.
I think the log-message status: NodeFound confirms that a new node is ready to be added to the network?

Yes. In that case the inclusion failure happened somewhere between the controller and the node, before the event even reached the driver software.

Make sure your USB controller is on a short extension cord, and add mains-powered nodes first, starting closest to the controller and working out.