I switched from Domoticz (RPI3) to HomeAssistant (RPI4, docker container) and had to migrate the ZWave network to the new system. I am running a ZWave2MQTT and a Mosquitto docker image. The nodes showed up in the interface, but after some problems I decided to reset the ZWave dongle and start from scratch. However, including nodes isn’t working. Does anybody know what could be wrong or how I can search for the cause of this issue? This is what the logs tell me:
2022-11-11T07:00:42.116Z SERIAL « 0x0107004a15020000a5 (9 bytes)
2022-11-11T07:00:42.121Z SERIAL » [ACK] (0x06)
2022-11-11T07:00:42.126Z DRIVER « [REQ] [AddNodeToNetwork]
status: NodeFound
callback id: 21
2022-11-11T07:00:42.131Z DRIVER handling request AddNodeToNetwork (74)
2022-11-11T07:00:42.132Z DRIVER 1 handler registered!
2022-11-11T07:00:42.132Z DRIVER invoking handler #0
2022-11-11T07:00:42.133Z CNTRLR handling add node request (status = NodeFound)
2022-11-11T07:00:49.205Z SERIAL « 0x0107004a15070000a0 (9 bytes)
2022-11-11T07:00:49.208Z SERIAL » [ACK] (0x06)
2022-11-11T07:00:49.212Z DRIVER « [REQ] [AddNodeToNetwork]
status: Failed
callback id: 21
2022-11-11T07:00:49.216Z DRIVER handling request AddNodeToNetwork (74)
2022-11-11T07:00:49.217Z DRIVER 1 handler registered!
2022-11-11T07:00:49.217Z DRIVER invoking handler #0
2022-11-11T07:00:49.218Z CNTRLR handling add node request (status = Failed)
2022-11-11T07:00:49.219Z CNTRLR Adding the node failed
2022-11-11 07:00:49.220 INFO Z-WAVE: Controller status: Inclusion failed
2022-11-11T07:00:49.221Z CNTRLR stopping inclusion process...
2022-11-11T07:00:49.247Z SERIAL » 0x0105004ac51663 (7 bytes)
2022-11-11T07:00:49.249Z DRIVER » [REQ] [AddNodeToNetwork]
action: Stop
high power: true
network wide: true
callback id: 22
2022-11-11T07:00:49.257Z SERIAL « [ACK] (0x06)
2022-11-11T07:00:49.300Z SERIAL « 0x0107004a16060000a2 (9 bytes)
2022-11-11T07:00:49.302Z SERIAL » [ACK] (0x06)
2022-11-11T07:00:49.303Z DRIVER « [REQ] [AddNodeToNetwork]
status: Done
callback id: 22
2022-11-11T07:00:49.310Z CNTRLR The inclusion process was stopped
2022-11-11 07:00:49.311 INFO Z-WAVE: Controller status: Inclusion stopped