Zwavejs2mqtt v2.1.1 on docker on Pi
Zwave controller = Aeotec Gen 5 Z-Stick
Running the latest version of Zwavejs2mqtt in a docker container on a Pi. I would like to add a new Z-wave device, and am access the Zwavejs dashboard directly (i.e. not through HA). When I click on “Add/Remove Device”, select “Inclusion” and click on “Start”, the message stays at “Inclusion starting”. Looking at the debug log, I see the following:
2021-03-07 20:39:28.221 INFO ZWAVE: Calling api startInclusion with args: [ false, [length]: 1 ]
2021-03-07 20:39:28.309 INFO ZWAVE: The inclusion could not be started. startInclusion { success: false, message: 'The inclusion could not be started.' }
2021-03-07 20:39:28.372 INFO ZWAVE: Controller status: Inclusion stopped
Not sure how to troubleshoot this. Can anyone provide some initial pointers?
I have the same isssue tried what was suggested to uninstall, reboot and re-install, the only things that was achieved is 5 devices not regsitering. Still not able to add any device, afte starting generates alomost emmediatly an error at the botttom of the screen refering to an api error. When re-trying to start inclusion it hangs on initiating inclusion. Tried most recent update but didn’t change anything. Running supervised hassos
i’ve got the same thing happening to me. After unsuccesfully adding a node i couldnt start another round of inclusion. This is a blocking issue for me.
In the end the last 2 combined fixed the issue. So i shutdown the vm’s. shutdown the host. took the power off (and unplugged the USB). Plugged the USB back in. Turned power on, booted the host, booted the vm’s, booted the ZWave container, booted home assistant container and then i was able to include my new nodes.
I gave it another try no luck, on another instllation (backup rpi) removed everyting z-wave2mqtt, including integration. Rebooted re-installed and yet again not possible to start inclusion.
Ohter functions that use an API work fine, I can even exclude only inclusion is not working
In the top right corner there is also an update for z-wave ready, when trying to install this a succesful api call but nothing happens. So I am having most of my zwave devices still working but due to the inclusion problem things are now static, broken nodes can be re-added. And since I have a few battery devcies stuck in obtaining protocolinfo, I can’t do much with these until the inclusion problem gets fixed.