Zwavejs2mqtt update

After installing the latest HA updates, my node crashed needed to restore. Managed to update in a second attempt. Due to all the messing around my zwave config needed a bit of care before it came back. Some devices that had issues getting online, are now back but the assigned names did not return and default to the entires from zwave. When attempting to edit the name now using the pen it allows to rename the device than gives to known warning about the impact of renaming and after this all entities turn up as not found and the entrydoes not change. Not sure if it is a bug in the Zwavejs2mqtt (version 0.11.0) update or just caused by the the entire mess created by the restore.

Another thing I noticed is the add device function does not work any longer, when first using after restart it directly return nothing found, another attempt results in in inclusion starting and nothing happens, other attempts same results.