I’m experiencing a rather troublesome problem after changing from old to new entity ids. The zwcfg configuration file gets overwritten whenever my server is rebooted. Is this expected behaviour or am I missing something in my config?
Luckily I have the xml-file in git, so I didn’t have to reconfigure a bunch of nodes after it happened.
What OS are you running on? What version of Home Assistant are you running?
Somebody on Discord was reporting similar issues yesterday, where when the added a new device their existing custom names would get over-written.
Those are the only cases I’ve seen though, so it’s not a common problem (or, nobody ever renames their nodes, but I’ve renamed mine and, so far, I’ve never seen that).
Home Assistant 0.57.3 and Python 3.6.0 on Raspbian GNU/Linux 8 (jessie). Had the same issue with 0.57.2 as well. Since I have quite a fewnodes in my Z-Wave network, I’ve waited a while before I found time to update to new entity ids.
Are you changing entity names/IDs via the Z-Wave config screen in HA or manually editing the XML file? You should do the former. The server does overwrite the XML when the Z-Wave network is stopped.
I also loose id’s… on hassio restart… used hass config to change names. kinda annoying to have to change customize.yaml hadash.yaml groups.yaml and floorplan every time this happens