"Zzh!" (short for "Zig-a-zig-ah!") open-source hardware licensed Zigbee USB-stick based on TI CC2652R

I ordered about 10 days ago and set it up last weekend. I am using it with Zigbee2mqtt. It was painless to get up-and-running. I followed the instructions step-by-step and everything worked first time. I haven’t stressed it much but added some Ikea motion sensors without issue.

I run HA on an N2+ box and have the stick plugged directly into a USB port. The range seems ok and is covering three floors of the house so far without an issue.

I also get ‘Device offline’. How do I get it to go online?

I have verified it has been flashed correctly.

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A post was merged into an existing topic: Do NOT Buy Slaesh’s Zigbee Stick

Also have a device thats showing as offline, did you solve this?

Hi, I can’t find any information about this stick regarding the max number of handled devices via zigbee.
I have a lot of routers (20-25 xiaomi mi power plugs), can it handle 150-200 devices with this much routers?
And if I understand correctly, this stick can also handle ble connections?
I have 10-12 ble temperature devices, so this stick could also read the temperature measurements while acting as a zigbee coordinator?


See https://github.com/Koenkk/Z-Stack-firmware/tree/master/coordinator#z-stack-coordinator-firmwares - it can handle many hundreds of devices.

The firmware doesn’t support BLE though

I wouldn’t put Zigbee and BT together on one stick. They disturb each other and if you’re using BLE, it is really a lot of data that comes in.

The general advise here would be, to use two different sticks (one BT/BLE and one Zigbee) and put them as far as you can get from each other. Best is to use some extension cables for each stick. :slight_smile:

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I have now 101 devices on my zigbee2mqtt mesh with Zzh stick and 45 of them are routers. I also wonder what would be the number of devices that I can add before issues might occur. Sometimes a device drops from the zigbee network, which already might be an indicator. But I also had that when the network was much smaller. Responsiveness is still very good.

Depends on how many Zigbee 3.0 devices you have and how many are only Zigbee 1.2 HA (Zigbee Home Automation 1.2) devices. CC2652 max for Zigbee 3.0 devices is 200. Routers otherwise set limit.


Tip is to buy a few better routers like those from Tube

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So my zzh is deffo doing a better job then the Sonoff Zigbee Router (the WiFi one flashed with Tasmota), so kudos for that… but it still sometimes shows as offline plus the integration shows as following, which is prob fine (as it works) but looks wrong:


I think the trick re getting lamps into pairing mode is the off / on ratio.

I use a longer off than on ratio and it seems to be pretty predictable / reliable.

So I start with it off and then go On off off off on off off off on, ending up with the on (that should then be throbbing / pulsing) after the 3 / 6 / whatever cycles required.

Ive just purchased a Zzh stick , would a 2m extension cable “if shielded” , be too long for the Zzh stick ? my server is located next to the wifi router so ideally I would use a 2m cable minimum to get it away from the server , or should I be considering using zigbee2mqtt on a raspberry pi to get it right away from the server and router? my intention was to use ZHA.

2m should be more than enough. IIRC USB extensions start to loose data after three to five meters, that’s why there is the recommendation to use a “powered extension”, if you go up that value. Imho, 2m is ok, I wouldn’t go further, but you could easily reduce this. I’m using a 50cm extension cable, and that seems to be enough to get rid of the interferences. :slight_smile:

thanks for the advice, much appreciated :slightly_smiling_face: I’m not sure if a 50cm cable would get the Zzh stick far enough away from the router. Currently I have the 2.4GHZ WiFi active on the router for all the esphome switches to communicate with home assistant, otherwise I would turn it off and only use 5GHZ to completely reduce the possibility of signal interference. I think I will go with 2m and hopefully that is enough. Othewise I will look at zigbee2mqtt on a raspberry pi.

The router isn’t your problem. :slight_smile: At least normally it isn’t. The problem lies around the Pi or your server (whatever it is, a NUC or…). There are many interferences and these should be avoided.

The best example is a Pi: if you put the stick into one of the USB ports, it will “transfer” it’s sending power directly onto the Wifi antenna, the BT receiver and so on. This is the part you want to avoid.

But I’m quite sure it doesn’t hurt to get it away from all other devices. But as I said, keep in mind the longer the extension is, the sooner data will get lost.

A friend of mine is working for BMW and they had a lot of different problems regarding the USB connection from phones or other media players, that didn’t work correctly. Sometimes data was lost, sometimes they couldn’t get recognized and so on. They searched quite a while for the problem, and then one of them had an accident and they could physically see, how the USB cable was put in the car: they did run it from the place between the seats back to the trunk and then forward to the MultiMediaUnit that is located behind the radio. Turned out, it was around six to eight meters (depending on the car), and that was to much. They changed the cables entirely from between the seats directly to the MMU. A few weeks later the team was dissolved and they were given new jobs - not one problem any more. :slight_smile:

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Wow , thank you for the explanation that really helps , I did wonder why connecting directly to the USB port caused such issues, but also for explaining why the length of the cable could also cause issues too. I went with the 2m shielded cable in the end hopefully that works a treat.

Really appreciate the advice from someone with much more knowledge and experience.

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You can use up to a 5-meter long USB extension without any problems, (remember that a Zigbee USB dongle/adapter is only using USB 2.0 and is just used for low bandwidth serial communication after all), but due to USB limitations longer than that and you need to use a cable with USB repeater or one of those set of powered USB extension cables that you use in combination with ethernet cables to get longer range.

Recommend read and follow Generic best practice tips on improving Zigbee network range and general stability · zigpy/zigpy Wiki · GitHub

In summary; interference can be a huge problem for Zigbee.

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There are 2 kinds of interferences :

  • because of the “server” => Where a simple 50cm cable will solve
  • WiFi : That won’t be solved by any cable… Just think your networks (WiFi & Zigbee) before you start them.
    Some read about WiFi interference : ZigBee and Wi-Fi Coexistence | MetaGeek

Mine has stopped working, so it seems. Always worked flawslessly. Now getting this:

Starting Zigbee2MQTT without watchdog.
[2025-01-05 07:15:13] info:     z2m: Logging to console, file (filename: log.log)
[2025-01-05 07:15:13] info:     z2m: Starting Zigbee2MQTT version 2.0.0 (commit #unknown)
[2025-01-05 07:15:13] info:     z2m: Starting zigbee-herdsman (3.2.1)
[2025-01-05 07:15:13] error:    z2m: Error while starting zigbee-herdsman
[2025-01-05 07:15:13] error:    z2m: Failed to start zigbee-herdsman
[2025-01-05 07:15:13] error:    z2m: Check https://www.zigbee2mqtt.io/guide/installation/20_zigbee2mqtt-fails-to-start_crashes-runtime.html for possible solutions
[2025-01-05 07:15:13] error:    z2m: Exiting...
[2025-01-05 07:15:13] error:    z2m: Error: USB adapter discovery error (No valid USB adapter found). Specify valid 'adapter' and 'port' in your configuration.
    at discoverAdapter (/app/node_modules/.pnpm/[email protected]/node_modules/zigbee-herdsman/src/adapter/adapterDiscovery.ts:523:15)
    at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:105:5)
    at Function.create (/app/node_modules/.pnpm/[email protected]/node_modules/zigbee-herdsman/src/adapter/adapter.ts:68:33)
    at Controller.start (/app/node_modules/.pnpm/[email protected]/node_modules/zigbee-herdsman/src/controller/controller.ts:132:24)
    at Zigbee.start (/app/lib/zigbee.ts:69:27)
    at Controller.start (/app/lib/controller.ts:142:13)
    at start (/app/index.js:161:5)
[2025-01-05 07:15:13] error:    z2m: If this happens after updating to Zigbee2MQTT 2.0.0, see https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt/discussions/24364

Any ideas what I can try?

The answer is on the last line of the log you posted:

If this happens after updating to Zigbee2MQTT 2.0.0, see Z2M 2.0.0: `USB adapter discovery error (No valid USB adapter found)` · Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt · Discussion #24364 · GitHub

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