"Zzh!" (short for "Zig-a-zig-ah!") open-source hardware licensed Zigbee USB-stick based on TI CC2652R

Only ever had 1 device plugged in and it’s been working without problems for almost a year. But good to know that. I keep learning new stuff about HA :slight_smile:

If you are using Home Assistant OS, you can see which ports are available for its use.

  1. Supervisor > System
  2. In Host System, click the overflow menu (icon with three dots), click Hardware

For example, this is what is displayed for my RPI3. The /dev/serial/by-id/ represents the serial-to-USB converter that is connected to one of the RPI’s USB ports.

Screenshot from 2020-10-02 14-14-59

I received mine a couple of weeks ago. It is working great.

I have similar and now use this as my device

whereas it was working just fine for almost a year with AMA0…

when family goes to sleep I am trying my 2652 :slight_smile:

Thanks for your help!

I switched to 2652 last night and so far the experience is awesome! Should have done it months ago when I ordered it. There literally no delay in turning things on and off whereas with the 2531 there was always a delay and if I was to turn on/off a group of lights you can always see them go on/off in sequence even the ones directly connected to the coordinator. Now, all lights even the furthest from the stick, go at the same time.

More time has passed and still no signs of a response from @slaesh. Has anyone spoken to him at all lately?

I’ve been waiting for my order from @slaesh on Tindie for 2 months. Nothing was received.
Impossible to reach seller. I tried to contact seller numerous times, I can see he reads my message on Tindie but I got no answer from him.
Tried email, also no answer.
I can understand he had problem with some orders, but not communicating is wrong.

I don’t think you should buy from Slaesh.

There are two sellers in this thread. Please specify.

Which one did you buy, literally just ordered Zzh! before reading this.

From slaesh on Tindie… :frowning:
I don’t even have a tracking number.

Thanks for clarifying.

I see, thanks for clarifying.
You may be able to @ him here and see what’s up.
Could be busy with backorders.

Thanks I try that. But I don’t have much hope, I tried contacting him with email and Tindie message. He reads them but doesn’t answer.

Working on https://github.com/ciotlosm/zig-a-zig-ah-firmware add-on

I am curious if people would find such an add-on useful. It is still a pre-release for people that want to fork, modify and test. I hope we will get at some point the ability yo put the stick in bootloader mode from software.


Would love something like that as an addon/plugin for ZHA GUI and not only Zigbee2MQTT

I submitted a similar suggestion to the zigpy-znp developers previously which have some ideas here:

zigpy-znp developers did implement a tool for flashing Texas Instrument coordinator firmware.

zigpy-znp also has the ability to backup and restore NVRAM for TI Zigbee adapters.

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I’ve also added a new feature request for channel scanning that could be useful for z2m add-on 1st boot. I think best interface would be to use a bash script and ingress like Terminal add-on with a built-in menu to allow various operations.

The implementation for zha could go two ways:

  1. Implement just a way to allow serial port to be taken over by such an add-on
  2. Implement full add-on functionality within zha component

I think for short term, this add-on could be use for zha only if someone takes the time to implement option 1.

Can i use Zzh to scan for bluetooth devices aswell?

Just received my Zzh 15 days from ordering (UK to Aus).
Great little device, range is great for my apartment, easy to setup.
Running with ZHA, would highly recommend it to everyone.

So I’ve got myself a Zig-a-zig-ah! and I’m using it with my Home Assistant’s ZHA integration.

All my devices are Xiaomi Aquara ones - motion sensors, power plugs, a button and magnet switches.

Everything is working great except I can’t get anything to pair to my Coordinator (the zig-a-zig-ah!) via a router. The power plugs should act as routers, but they’re not. No matter what I do, they refuse to “route” any messages. I can’t extend my network at all - if the device can’t communicate directly on the air with the coordinator, it won’t work. I’ve ensured there’s a router sitting where it can talk to the coordinator, then moved a device far enough away to ensure the only path to the coordinator is via the router. But no attempts to pair will work.

I’ve tried “Pair via this device” and while I had some success, when I’ve looked at a topology map, turns out that the device was able to speak directly to the coordinator. Where I have moved things far enough away so that the router is the only path “Pair via this device” has failed.

My workmate who has a zig-a-zig-ah has it working fine, BUT he’s using zigbee2mqtt and I’m using ZHA.

Before I give up and just install z2m, is anyone else using a Zig-a-zig-ah! with ZHA and able to see things get connected via a router and not directly?

I use z2m not zha, but xiaomi devices are pretty notorious for not pairing to routers, particularly if they have been paired to the coordinator. Don’t ask me for a reference to this, I’ll be googling the same things as you :slight_smile: