"Zzh!" (short for "Zig-a-zig-ah!") open-source hardware licensed Zigbee USB-stick based on TI CC2652R

Suggest you report the issue to ZHA devs on GitHub → Issues · home-assistant/core · GitHub

Note! You have to submit debug logs → Zigbee Home Automation - Home Assistant

how did you pass this error?
I have exactly the same problem.

I don’t fully recall, but based on my next post I think I had reached out to the seller and got a lot of help with the setup. I believe that is what set me straight.

@acme I should add that it’s been amazing ever since I got it set up. So it’s worth it!


Any news here, did you open an issue on git hub?
I have the same problem.
I also tried to pair a hue light to the LUMI.plug, no chance.
I also noticed after a lot of trying that my Plug things he is a LUMI.weather sensor in the specification.
Sadly i don’t have a log for that.

I use ZHA with cc2531 (with external antenna) and recently moved to use the Zigbee 3.0.1 firmware via znp. Its been better for joining via the coordinator but also not working via the router plugs like 1.2 firmware.

Now i have to test if i can join sensors via the hue lights.

edit: its also not working via hue light.
Next test would be to pair hue via hue.

Sounds like something that needs to be fixed via “quirks” in zha-device-handlers or zigpy-znp libraries?

Note! It is now recommended to upgrade to a newer firmware on all CC2652 and CC1352 adapters:



Warning! Backup NVRAM of Texas Instruments adapters with zigpy-znp before upgrading firmware:


Also, if want to help the community then suggest test this new firmware with either Zigbee2MQTT and ZHA report result to both https://github.com/zigpy/zigpy/discussions/655 and to https://www.reddit.com/r/homeassistant/comments/l9uhvm/psa_zigbee_network_lockup_bug_affecting/

Update: walthowd has apparently created a docker image here https://github.com/walthowd/znp-firmware which has everything needed for NVRAM backup/restore and firmware flashing of Texas Intruments based Zigbee adapters installed and ready to go.

Thanks for bringing this to our attention!

Since the firmware is still in “dev” status and has not been mainlined yet, do you recommend upgrading right now or waiting until it will be mainlined?

Forgot to update the link but the files has now been moved to “master” tree or mainline production:


Regardless, backup NVRAM of your Texas Instruments Zigbee adapter before upgrading firmware:


Update: walthowd has apparently created a docker image here GitHub - walthowd/znp-firmware: Firmware update utility for ZNP radios such as the TI CC2652R which has everything needed for NVRAM backup/restore and firmware flashing of Texas Intruments based Zigbee adapters installed and ready to go.

Aw crap. I just happened to check the github repo and saw there was new firmware. Upgraded, and now the coordinator shows as “Device is offline”. I hadn’t realized we need to backup NVRAM before firmware upgrade. Luckily I’m just starting to test out the ZZH, so this is on a test instance with just a couple of devices paired. Good to know for the future :man_facepalming:

Thanks @puithove for emphasizing this. I’ve got the firmware flash planned for this Sunday and have quitte a couple of devices connected.

Have you received your order or at least got your money back?

I must admit I’m unhappy with the order from @slaesh as well. I have ordered mid January and no change in tracking number from 2nd of February.

I have contacted him from both mail and on telegram and no response whatsoever. I’ve made order directly through his website.

I have a C2652R stick and it worked okej ish before. So today I tried to flash CC2652R_coordinator_20210120 to it and the flashing worked and it is found the stick in ZHA and the devices (79 devices, 121 entities) BUT non of them responds!

If I try to turn of a bulb nothing happends.

Kind of desperate here, any ideas?

I have tried

  • USB extention 2 meters
  • USB 2.0 port in the computer
  • Start without antenna
  • Reloaded the ZHA integration


Did you try to re-pair your devices without removing them from ZHA?

I was under the impression that i do not need to repair the devices?!?

Or do u mean like quick on off for a bulb? That I tried.

Right now all devices is unavaiable

What if I remove and add the integration? Will it to make all devices to dissapear?

@Michael_Roxin Did you backup NVRAM before and then restore via zigpy-znp as was recommended?

What is NVRAM?

Waht do zigpy-znp mean?

Shall I delete the integration and readd?

I did shut down HA and flashed the USB stick with the new FW - thats it.

I do have a backup of my whole HA from ysterday - I run a backup every night.

I do have this stick and followed this guide when flashed


Starting to think I will have to re add all devices, witch is a real pain in the…

Must be some other way? Shall I reflash the old FW again?

Updating the firmware erases the devices on the stick. When it starts up again a new network is formed - all your devices will need to be re-joined.

The -e in the firmware install/update command is erase.