0.100: Better Plex, Bye JSON, HERE Travel time.

Upgrade from 0.99.3 to 100.1 broke Vivotek Integration (looks like the upgraded python-vivotek is the culprit). No change in configs, just simply upgraded to 100.1.

  File "/opt/homeassistant/venv_3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/homeassistant/components/vivotek/camera.py", line 125, in update
    self._model_name = self._cam.model_name
  File "/opt/homeassistant/venv_3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/libpyvivotek/vivotek.py", line 115, in model_name
    self._model_name = self.get_param_anon("system_info_modelname")
  File "/opt/homeassistant/venv_3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/libpyvivotek/vivotek.py", line 90, in get_param_anon
    return self.__parse_response_value(response)
  File "/opt/homeassistant/venv_3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/libpyvivotek/vivotek.py", line 128, in __parse_response_value
    raise VivotekCameraError('Unauthorized. Credentials may be invalid.')

Hmmm. My button just shows on or off which is pretty useless. I’m still on a beta release. Will see if this is fixed in the final release once it is ready for hassio.

Updated to 100.1
Still no joy with Sonoff.
Back to 99.3

This will help. Settings -> Devices -> Button

Yeah, I get what you mean. I am just getting the following on 0.100.1:

Thanks for all of the hard work! You guys are killing it with these speedy releases. I can never seem to catch up!

Hmm… What hub are you using? I have a GoControl Z-Wave/Zigbee USB Stick.

Just upgraded to 100.0 got also error that it couldn’t configure Sonoff

Yes, same problem, but I am running on Raspberry 3B+

Same here. Maybe I need to remove them and add again?

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Existing Transmission settings didn’t import as mentioned in the breaking changes. Got a notification saying it couldn’t setup the platform. Had to disable existing code in yaml, and setup a new intergration.

That would be the best bet. Deleting and adding device should fix the problem.

Sonoff stop working for me too… :sob:

You need to update the sonoff component

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All of my Google Home devices have gone unavailable with the newest update, has anyone else had this issue? I’ve searched and I seem to be the only one.

dysan integration seems to be broken too…

error logs not very helpful…

Setup failed for dyson: Integration failed to initialize.
Not connected to Dyson account. Unable to add devices.

It was working on 0.99.3

Unfortunately my (deconz) sensor status is giving me unavailable errors on apples homekit after the update

Why on earth are you posting about it in this thread? Really, there is no home assistant sonoff integration. It is a custom component. Go post on the author’s thread, or better still his github.


I update to last version, all my switch’s change the pin color turn on to dark, there are blue in the theme`

How I can change?

primary-color: set the same color to paper-toggle-button-checked-button-color: ???

Thanks for the update. Unfortunately, Sony Songpal is broken