0.100: Better Plex, Bye JSON, HERE Travel time.

That’s true, BUT it requires people to read at least two different sources of information (not only the release notes) and, most importantly, it’s not marked as breaking change.
Thanks for the info anyway.
Not whining, just want to make our life a bit less difficult :wink:

I have a problem with these buttons as well… The checked color is blue, no way to change it… but I can still change the unchecked color to whatever I want…

I tried to replace “paper-toggle-button” by “mwc-switch”… No effect…It should be a bug in this version… Nevertheless, the team is making a great job !!! Thank you all !

Try ha-switch instead and have a look at this - it works for me.

Not working for me… I will wait some directions from the team to only change the themes.yaml file. Thanks for your help.

Does the new Google assistant report state feature work without the cloud subscription?

Amazon Polly broken here too :frowning:

There are no differences in cloud vs local edition

Thank you, but how can i enable it in the local setup, there is nog configuration entry for it?

What is what you want to do?

I would like to enable state reporting to google for my local/manual google assistant configuration. The feature that has been added in this update https://github.com/home-assistant/home-assistant/pull/27112

Add Google Report State (@balloob - #27112) (alexa docs) (cloud docs) (google_assistant docs)

Ah, not tested yet, is it not just like exposing a sensor, and ask for the state?

That PR seem to imply its only for HA cloud


Adds Google Report State functionality for Home Assistant Cloud:

  • Allow changing preference to enable/disable report state
  • Sync entities when report state changes
  • Sync entities when entity registry is updated and the entity is part of Google

I still find the Plex integration to be very slow (15 seconds from playing media for it to show in hass and/or trigger an automation)
Emby is instant.

Is anyone else having this issue?

Plex response it’s a few seconds for me, it use to take a good 20/30 seconds when I was using the router supplied by my ISP.
After changing to an ERX it’s much faster.

I don’t think that’s the case here but maybe.
If you start a video while watching the HA front end for the video info, how quick is it now?

Ok thank you, so are they splitting up the code between cloud and local?

no completely different there is a PR to add it in for manual setup… i think as of now it cloud only

this is what Report State actually is: https://developers.google.com/assistant/smarthome/develop/report-state

So I will just have to be a bit more patient, Thank you

To be honest, I can’t say I’ve ever watched the response time on the HA front end.
I just have an automation that controls the lights when it changes to “playing” or “paused”